Listen: Headlines: Debate on Vaccinations with Mr. Del Bigtree

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Debates about their dangers and what halacha says a parent must do:
Listen to the remaining interview with Mr. Del Bigtree belowwith Rabbi Moshe Meir Weiss – Rav, Agudas Yisroel of Staten Island – 24:30
with Mr. Del Bigtree Founder, Informed Consent Action Network – 53:20
with Dr. Howard Zucker, MD, JD – Commissioner of Health, New York State – 1:46:40
with Dr. Allan Wercberger, MD – Pediatrician, Monroe, NY – 2:06:50
with Dr. Richard Roberts, MD, Ph.D. – CEO and Chairman, URL Pharma – 2:20:10

Listen below for the remaining interview With Mr. Bigtree



  1. Dear Matzav,

    Thank you for keeping this issue at the forefront until the conspiracy theorist, fake science quoting, think they are smarter than all doctors and RABBONIM, anti-vaxers. Until it starts to penetrate their brain and they stop imposing their foolishness and stop endangering the community.

    Keep the sane arguments and FACTS coming. Thank you matzav!!

  2. maybe the issue isn’t anti vaccine as much as there is no alternative… its all or nothing.

    This is not true. What is taken by the majority are live virus vaccines… there are such a thing as dead virus vaccines. With the dead virus you take a series over an 18 month period. Its actually the correct way to administer vaccines, to build a child’s immunity to a disease is better and less obtrusive over time than one big dose, however it not practical for the masses.

    Vaccines are necessary… the toxic big pharma ones are not the way to vaccinate your child. We should stop the anti vaccine movement and ask anti vaxxers to seek the alternatives…. now their children will be vaccinated.

    • The way to build a child’s immunity is through natural immunity not toxins being directly injected into their little bodies. Nobody questions why is it that cancers are rampant in children today. Google the statistics. It is frightening.

  3. Del Bigtree gave up a lucrative career as a producer for a popular show called The Doctors to educate people about the dangers of vaccines by producing the documentary called VAXXED. I recommend everyone watch the film.

  4. The way to build a child’s immunity is through natural immunity not toxins being directly injected into their little bodies. Nobody questions why is it that cancers are rampant in children today. Google the statistics. It is frightening.

  5. Why go back 100 years? Lets go back to 1960 when the measles DEATH rate had declined 99.6 % BEFORE the vaccine .
    Vaccines did not save us.
    Out of a estimated 3-5 million people who got measles every year in America 3-4 hundred died from complications that means your chance of ever dying of measles was 0.002%
    However we now see studies like the one out of africa that looked at children who got the tdp vaccine and showed the ones who recieved it died at a 10× greater rate of other diseases than the children who never got the vaccine and where dying of tetenus pertussis and meningitis

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