LISTEN: Rav Yisroel Reisman Raises Alarm Over Faulty Mezuzos

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Rav Yisroel Reisman, rosh yeshiva of Yeshiva Torah Vodaas and rov of Agudas Yisroel of Madison in Flatbush, recently spoke about the poor-quality mezuzos being sold in the Flatbush community and the need for people to be more aware and scrupulous about the mezuzos they buy, not allowing price to be a factor in purchasing mehudardike mezuzos.




  1. The place where many if not most people in Flatbush buy their Mezuzos, tefillin, and sifrei torah is a place that I’ve been complaining about and telling people not to buy from for maybe the past 20 years with my pleas falling on deaf ears.
    That is also the place that the Rabbi probably called as it’s the largest place for buying sta”m in Flatbush. V’hameivin yovin
    People believe that they can trust the place 100% and if you tell them otherwise they think you’re a nut case.

  2. The Rov keeps on saying he doesn’t know what to do about the problem! It reminds me of the Gemara in Gittin 56a ענוותנותו של . . החריבה את ביתנו . . .

    Well, if yidden would have done something about it when the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZY”A called out to klall yisroel about Mivtza Mezuza, tens of years ago the problem today would have have been minimal.
    Yes, we know what to do by following the guidance and standing order of Gedol/ei Yisroel and Daas Torah, go out there and bring the message of this important meaningful and practical Mitzvah to the attention of Am Yisroel.
    Yes we can. ה’ ישמור צאתך ובואך

    • Obviously you claim to be Chabad have no clue what the Rebbe’s Mivtza is all about
      Check it out
      If I may, when was the last time you went on Mivtzah Mezuzah?
      Yes you also can!

  3. As long as no specific stores that are causing this problem have been mentioned by name, this entire article is useless, because I have no idea if this includes outlet from where I purchase & check my Mezzuzos & Tefillin. I really would like to know immediately without any further delay.

    • They’ve never sold mezuzos, although they do have Mendelssohn’s pizza (4 count) on sale for a good price.
      The question is, who are the sofrim who are to be avoided?

  4. The best way for the Rov to handle this problem would be make face masks & being fully vaccinated absolutely mandatory for anyone entering his Shul, and and anyone who cannot provide proof of vaccination or not wearing a mask, not being allowed to enter his Shul even 1 time, until Corona is entirely done with.

  5. הנה המקור לעשות תג אחד באותיות בד”ק חי”ה הוא בזוהר חדש ואנו לא נהגנו לעשותו והיום רבים עושים אותו עיין מקדש מעט שם וש”א וראה עוד ז”ר לעיל סימן
    שתילי זתים

  6. Halevay the only problem is the Tagin.

    Join Mivtzah Mezuza and you will become aware and bamboozled what people have up as Mezuzos supplied by Judaica dealers.

    Yidden: especially nowadays it’s a must to check your Tefillin and Mezuzos

  7. Outside of cheap mezuzahs, the vast majority of mezuzahs have tagin “Bedek Chaya” (Beis, Dales, Kuf, [Ches, Yud] and Sav)
    On the Beis, Dalet, Kuf and Hei some sofrim only make an oketz on the far left edge, some make a slightly indented tag off the left edge (Sephardim typically do it towards the middle of the head), and some do both. Either way is fine. Perhaps Rav Reisman is referring to the 2nd, indented tag being missing? As long as one follows one of the 3 aforementioned options it’s fine.
    An expert posek in Stam should be consulted as to whether no tag on a Beis, Dales, Kuf and Hei is bedieved.
    Many Sephardim do 2 on the Yud. There’s a difference of opinion among leading Sephardi poskim as to whether it’s b’geder mehudar without the 2nd, indented tag.
    Some Ashkenazim and Sephardim do 2 on the Ches as well.

    • small correction to my post – bedek Chaya includes Hei, not Sav.
      If there’s no tag on the Beis, Dalet, Hei Ches (on Ches it’s called a makel) and Kuf and there’s no oketz elyon/tag on the top left corner of the Yud it’s bedieved.

  8. ש”ע לו סעיף ג
    Didn’t make any Tagim its Kosher

    see Piskey Teshuvos siman קמג
    תגין בדק חיה אינם מעכבין לכו”ע

    see כתב הדופר דף ל
    תגי בדק חיה הם לכתחילה.


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