Listen: Urgent Message from Dr. Shimshi Zimmerman, Medical Director of NYC Hatzolah

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  1. To all “younger people” and bochurim.
    I work for a major diagnostics company that is working 24/7 with the white house. We are doing more than half of the COVID-19 testing in the USA

    We have a test that we developed in-house that is 95% accurate and you can do it in your home!!!
    It works mostly for people under 40. Follow carefully
    1) Stand up – Feet shoulder width apart
    2) Loosen your neck muscles
    3) Stick out and stretch you most dominant hand, palm down
    4) Twist you hand inward, so that your elbow turns upwards
    If you can kiss your elbow, then you have a 95% guarantee that you don’t have the virus.
    If you cannot, then consider yourself a carrier, even if you do not have symptoms.

    Of course, this is a silly attempt to make a point but please, please, please everyone needs to consider themselves a “drunk driver”.
    Do you know why someone who does not wear his seatbelt gets a fine, but someone who drives drunk get his license suspended or even arrested?
    Because not wearing a belt may affect your own life, but driving drunk can affect yours and others as well. EVERYONE MUST CONSIDER THEMELVES A DRUNKDRIVER

    Hashem always creates the refuah before the makah
    Let us hope that he lets us find it quickly… Good Shabbos

    • B”H. That’s great news. The Yoreh Shomayim are holding up Hashems honor. The people who were never machshiv Teffila to begin with, are suddenly relieved that they don’t have to bother themselves to go to Shul. They can stay home, mess around, and give a quick “yotzie zein” ungipachgit davening.

      • one would first have to define yorei shomayim. are they having these secret minyamin for hashems honor. or because something in their gut doesn’t feel right even though their rabbonim most likely told them to stay home??

  2. What in the world are they thinking it’s not a joke and they are still making secret minyanim and minyanim outside!!!!!


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