Mike Lindell Accuses Fox News Of Being ‘In On’ Stealing Election

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At the ‘Stop the Steal’ rally in Washington, D.C., on Saturday, MyPillow founder Mike Lindell fired criticism at Fox News, saying they were “in on” bending the election toward Joe Biden.

“Why do you think Fox declared Arizona with only 14% of the vote in?” Lindell told the rally crowd. “They already knew what they did. They were in on it. I’m serious. They had to be in on it.”

Lindell spoke for around 30 minutes, saying “this had to happen” so America could root out election fraud for future elections.

He added hope the nation comes back to “one nation under God,” because people only turn to faith “when times are bleakest.”

Read more at NEWSMAX



  1. The man is right! He’s a great pillow maker and when he’s resting on his mattress pads and pillow, after his shower with his top-rated towels, he’s a good thinker too!

  2. Who made Mike, with his pillow scam, a shem davar? Is he planning on running for office? Faux news was never a conservative network. It was always run by a bunch of Bush rinos. No chiddush there. There is no honest media in any form. They are constantly biased towards the flavor of the day.


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