Millions Of Cicadas To Emerge On The East Coast From 17 Year Slumber

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As if we didn’t have enough to worry about with giant murder hornets invading the US and a global pandemic, millions of 17-year cicadas will emerge from the ground this year.

As many as 1.5 million cicadas per acre may emerge, and people living in Southwest Virginia, parts of North Carolina and West Virginia could witness this unique phenomenon, Virginia Tech says in a news release.

Luckily, cicadas are harmless to humans. At most, the noise they make could become a nuisance.

“Communities and farms with large numbers of cicadas emerging at once may have a substantial noise issue,” said Eric Day, Virginia Cooperative Extension entomologist in Virginia Tech’s Department of Entomology.

Read more at CNN.



  1. Head for the hills. Each man for himself. The sky is falling. This is the end of time. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. I’m out.

  2. They can’t even take care of those “murder hornets” and you trust them with their vaccine?

    • Who is this “they”? The hornets in question come from China. So maybe this means that the U.S. should be wary of China controlling the medical supplies?

  3. New York people have no idea what this is like, come down to Baltimore and you’ll see what it’s like. Trucks are known to slide off highways because the road gets covered with these cicadas and it gets slippery when they are crushed.

    Women need to shake out their shaitals when they come inside.

    One more way that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is keeping us inside.

  4. I’m sooooooo glad that Burich Hashem I don’t live in New York. Cicadas, AOC, Cuomoo, Debalsio……All the makos!

  5. Cicada problem can be solved in a flash by renowned scientists Dr Barry Allen and Dr Harry Wells and their outstanding team of lab stars. They have successfully previously addressed this and other problems facing the human race and did so with nothing short of superhuman effort.

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