MK Cassif: Jews Should Not Pray At The Kosel

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After right-wing activists announced that they did not intend to give up the flag march around the walls of the Old City of Yerushalayim, Joint Arab List MK Ofer Cassif said in a radio interview  with Gideon Oko and Anat Davidov on 103FM that “as long as there is an occupation, Jews should not pray at the Kosel.”

He added, “When we come to an event of this kind, it is not to defy, but to express sympathy with an occupied people who suffer from daily persecution from fascist forces. The whole purpose of the march is to show who the boss is; the police did not give permission and rightly so. These people are criminals, because they are racists and occupiers. The real landlord is the Palestinians. This is occupied territory. They live in occupied territory. Me and my friends are against violence, but the main violence is the occupation. The question is: How do we reach a just compromise so we all, both nations, can live a normal life here, both Israelis and Palestinians?”

When asked if Jews can pray at the Kosel, Cassif replied that “as long as the situation is a state of occupation, for me it is illegitimate. The Kosel is occupied territory, period. I am not talking about the religious issue, but only the political-national issue.”

On the call of MK Ayman Odeh for Israeli Arabs not to enlist in the IDF, he said, “We must be precise in our statement. He meant that Arabs should not to enlist in the occupation forces. I myself refused to serve in the Occupied Territories and sat in jail. What my friend Ayman said – and we all agree with him – is that there is no need to serve the occupation.”

{ Israel}


  1. Why are Arabs like Cassif sporting a Hebrew name in a Jewish government? Arabs have no right occupying the Jewish country.

  2. These are Naftulche’s partners in the government. After embracing such “friends”, he still sports his lentil kippa.
    Anything for power. Anything!

  3. How could the Kosel be occupied territory if it was built in the land of Israel, long before the Arabs occupied it and laid claim to it? If anything the temple mount is occupied territory. The Jewish temple was built there at the same time the kosel was built there, on Jewish land. Then came along the Arabs many years later, and claimed the Temple mount belonged to them because some shyster, many years after the koran was published, claimed he had a vision. Sorry, but lets keep this simple: The Arabs came along many years later and falsely claimed this land as theirs, they tried to occupy a land that was Jewish land, a land which was deemed a holy land by G-D and by the Jews long before the Arabs snatched it, and long before the Arabs even called it a special, holy land.
    Mr. Cassif, let’s face it, you’re nothing but a two-bit thief.

  4. It sounds like it was a really good idea to bring the Arabs into the government, doesn’t it? The government of Israel believes it is an occupying force, not a legitimate nation. How quaint. And I’ll bet Lieberman agrees with this sheigetz

  5. His name literally translates as ‘angry’. A grump if there ever was one.
    Other translations include: embarrassment, money-centered

  6. And he’s part of Bennett’s government! This is Zionist Israel. Chareidim are not welcome but this terrorist sympathizer is a-okay.


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