MK Compares Chareidim To Taliban

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A bill calling for draconian penalties for anyone who destroys gender-related items passed its preliminary Knesset vote.

The bill said that to curb “the destruction of posters throughout the country that bear images of women,” offenders would be fined up to $9,400 and be liable for imprisonment.

When chareidi MKs objected to the bill’s extremism, its sponsor, Yulia Malinovsky of Yisroel Beiteinu, sparked a storm by responding, “It seems that what interests you is to build up a Taliban state, since the first thing the Taliban did when it took over Afghanistan was destroy images of women in public spaces.”

MK Moshe Gafni branded Malinovsky and her party as anti-Semites. “There is a party in the Knesset who has one goal — not to allow the chareidim to live here,” he charged. “Why pick on the vandalism of gender related items? Is there no destruction of all sorts of notices and things unrelated to gender? …This is an anti-Semitic party.”

Gafni accused Avigdor Lieberman of abandoning his right-wing principles to concentrate on fighting the chareidim, noting that he never fulfilled his promise that if appointed defense minister, he would have Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh assassinated within 48 hours.

MK Yisroel Eichler of UTJ pointed out that Kristallnacht, commemorated only a day earlier, was only possible due to constant incitement by the Nazi rulers against Jews.

{ Israel}


  1. ““It seems that what interests you is to build up a Taliban state, since the first thing the Taliban did when it took over Afghanistan was destroy images of women in public spaces.””

    The quote above from her is not offensive coming from a Zionist (almost nothing is, for that matter, but that’s besides the point).

    She related a fact, that this is what the Taliban did.

    I obviously disagree with her view, because, LiHavdil, we Jews have a Torah which tells us about kol kevuda bas Melech penima and the rest, but she simply stated a fact.

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