MORE CRAZINESS: New Mask Rule Gets Frum Baltimore Community Business Owner Kicked Off Southwest Flight

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  1. There is a story told of a distraught woman who phoned Reb Avigdor Miller zt’l that her daughter got burned from an iron and she was looking for a tikun. Rabbi Miller told her the first tikun is DONT LEAVE A HOT IRON UNATTENDED!

    I suggest that individuals who are flying make sure to eat before boarding or during the flight!!

    • The law is you’re ALLOWED to remove your mask while you eat or drink. You obviously never leave your Mommy’s basement. You’ve never traveled on a plane in your life. You’ve never walked thru an airport to get to your gate. The process of traveling is very unsettling. Human beings get thirsty and hungry. There is an inyan of tzaida laderech. Have you ever heard of such a concept? I guess you’re smarter than the chachomim. “Just eat before you go on a trip”. I don’t think I’ve heard such an idiotic statement in many years. What an am haaretz. Your comparison to a hot iron left around is equally as ignorant. Stay off the internet.

  2. It’s not a new mask rule, it’s a made up fake mask rule.

    Flight attendants have become judge, jury, and executioner on airplanes. They have far too much power. This started many years ago, not just with these stupid masks. What they’ve done is they’ve caused a lot of people to think about driving in order to avoid hassles of airports and airplanes.

    • It’s their plane, their rules, and the FAA gives them that power, even if you think that you are following the rules as you understand it. Its been that way since long before the pandemic.

  3. My, how this Country has fallen. To allow some minimum wage airline employee (here today, gone tommorow) to lord over their paying costumers and treat them like little kids in Kindergarten, is outrageous. We only have ourselves to blame. We have become worthless sheeple, subjecting ourselves to a handful of the lowest perverted woke scum on earth. All those 100,000 sheeple who flocked down to Orlando for Pesach, ALL wore their stupid masks on the jammed packed flights they took. Here, they are all powerful. Renting private homes with swimming pools. Renting cars, renting golf carts, maid service, etc… Money not an issue. But yet they all laid down like little sheep and listened to the minority airline employee and donned that holy mask for 3 hours. Obedient jews. Government said – we listen. These same mindless robots would be the first in line to enter the cattle cars. Government said. We are obedient. No need to worry. Showers will be given upon arrival. What’s that smoke rising up ahead?

  4. Flying a commercial airlines is a privilege, not a right. Obey the rules strictly, stop assuming the rules don’t apply to you any time it’s not convenient you, and don’t give airline workers any reason to single you out as a visibly identifiable Yid. Please, use some sechel.

  5. Welcome to sedom, take your meds you mindless idiot. Comparing a government mandate to wear masks during a pandemic to Nazis hauling jews off to their deaths is plain evil.

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