Mrs. Sora Fraidy Schorr a”h

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It is with great sadness that reports the passing of Mrs. Sora Fraidy Schorr a”h following a protracted illness. She was 43.

Mrs. Schorr, a resident of the Lapsley Lane neighborhood of Lakewood, NJ was a daughter of Rabbi and Mrs. Gershon Goldbatt and the wife of R’ Elimelech Schorr.

The levayah will be held today, Erev Shabbos, at 6:45 p.m., at the Congregation Sons of Israel Holocaust Memorial Chapel, located at 613 Ramsey Avenue, in Lakewood, NJ, followe by kevurah in the adjacent Mount Sinai Cemetery.

Mrs. Schorr is survived by her husband and their 16 children.

The family will be sitting shivah at 39 Lapsley Lane, off of Central Avenue, in Lakewood.



  1. BDE

    what a serious loss and tragedy to befall klal yisroel.

    May we all accept it all immediately as a serious wake up call directly from Hashem for serious teshuva and Achdus together ASAP so all tzaros in klal yisroel can come already to a complete stop. As we say “kol yisroel hareivim ze la’zeh” we are all responsible for one another and when a tragedy like this befalls klal yisroel it’s a message to all of us directly from our loving father Hashem ruler of the world.

    May her neshama have an aliya.

  2. Yes, she is related to Rav Avraham Schorr. Her father in law, Reb Simchi, is a first cousin. Reb Simchi’s father, Reb Aharon, z”l and Harav Gedalia Schorr, zt”l were brothers.
    Her mother in law was the legendary mechaneches Mrs. Georgie Schorr, a”h.


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