N.J To Borrow $5 Billion To Offset Tax Losses

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The state Legislature on Monday will begin to consider Gov. Phil Murphy’s plan to borrow $5 billion to offset forecasted billions of dollars in tax losses.

Murphy’s been making the case for borrowing since the middle of April, warning of “historic” layoffs of state and local public workers if the state doesn’t get big a injection of cash through bonds or direct federal aid.

The state Assembly Budget Committee will hold a hearing on the proposal Monday morning and the full Assembly is scheduled to take up the COVID-19 Emergency Bond Act on Thursday. The Senate has not scheduled any action on the bill (A4175).

Read more at NJ.com.



  1. In other words…….your taxes are going to skyrocket. You voted for this baby killer. Enjoy.

  2. It’s time to get out of NY and NJ. It’s a big country. Just don’t settle in the Democratic neighborhood again; for some reason, our communities always end up near the primates. Better yet, buy a few thousand acres somewhere in Texas or some other no income tax state, and build a town from scratch, set up own school district and volunteer police force, so that the property taxes are almost none. Set up the residential area of the town as a gated cooperative, where all sales and tenants would have to be approved, so that the town stays exclusively frum. Enjoy living in a Torah community, while staying away from the animals.

    • Or maybe its a sign that we should return to Eretz Yisrael like the Jews in the Arab countries have done, like the French and now the British Jews are doing. Why do you think USA is so special? We have a historical opportunity, maybe HaShem is reminding us about that?

      • Why would I move to secular Israel just to get myself blown to bits by a Palestinian suicide bomber as I try to enjoy my lunch?

  3. All you runners from NY to Clown River, Lakehood, Jaxson, etc. etc. etc. Listen up.
    You can’t run forever, unless it’s to the Holy Land.
    You’re not getting the message.

    • Dear 7:16, unfortunately, Eretz Yisroel has been taken over by the Judenrat, who do everything in their power to make Jews suffer. We need a quiet place to grow the community. The Judenrat will never transfer the political power peacefully, and right now we are too weak to confront them.

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