Netanyahu Reads Megilla With Soldiers: ‘We Eliminated Haman, We Will Eliminate Sinwar Too’

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Prime Minister bibi Netanyahu joined the Purim Megilla reading alongside the commanders and soldiers of the Military Police Corps’ Erez Battalion.

Addressing the soldiers, Netanyahu expressed his deep admiration for their dedication, particularly amidst the heightened challenges they currently face. He lauded their intensified efforts and unwavering commitment to defending Israel and its citizens, acknowledging the risks they undertake, with some making the ultimate sacrifice.

Netanyahu told the soldiers: “I am very impressed with your work at all times, but especially these days. The challenges you face have increased significantly, to say the least.”

“Missions have been intensified and so has your performance. You are defending the State of Israel, the citizens of Israel, around the clock, in many missions, you put yourselves at risk and some even sacrificed their lives. I want to commend you and tell you – well done. Thank you very much.”

He added, “I want to thank the Rabbi for reading the Megilla so eloquently and also for the important comments you made alongside the reading – these are very important comments; they are not marginal. They are at the crux of the matter. Today we celebrate Purim. An antisemitic enemy, the evil Haman, arose more than 2,000 years ago in ancient Persia, and sought to wipe the Jews off the face of the earth. Those Jews rose, united, fought and won a total victory…

“Today in modern Persia, a new enemy has arisen – the Iranian regime, which seeks to destroy the Jewish state. We have already seen what one of this enemy’s messengers did. On October 7th Hamas committed, what even President Biden termed ‘absolute evil.’ Absolute evil cannot be defeated by leaving it intact in Rafah. Just like in ancient times, just like our brethren, we too must unite, fight and win. We will enter Rafah and achieve total victory. We eliminated Haman, we will eliminate Sinwar as well,” Netanyahu said.

{ Israel}


  1. ““Today in modern Persia, a new enemy has arisen – the Iranian regime, which seeks to destroy the Jewish state. We have already seen what one of this enemy’s messengers did. On October 7th Hamas committed, what even President Biden termed ‘absolute evil.’ Absolute evil cannot be defeated by leaving it intact in Rafah. Just like in ancient times, just like our brethren, we too must unite, fight and win. We will enter Rafah and achieve total victory. We eliminated Haman, we will eliminate Sinwar as well,” Netanyahu said.”

    The Zionists and their “State” are Zionist, not “Jewish”. According to no less an authority than the Chofetz Chaim (and others), the Zionists are from that very same Zera Amaleik, just like Haman.

    • He never implied ALL zionists are from zera amalek. Or anything close to the sort.& he had little problem having a discussion with Bar Illan.
      He encouraged people to go to Palestine even to go into agriculture.

    • Can you give the exact source for where the Chofetz Chaim said that? Rav Elchonon Wsserman does say that but he explicitly distinguishes because those who led the movement (in his time) and those who follow it. And bases on the criteria he uses for calling them Zera Amaleik some of the antizionist groups both “frum” like the Neturey Karta and secular like many of the American Jewish anti-Israel would also be Zera Amaleik.

  2. Haman was eliminated through Klal Yisroel doing a real, heartfelt Teshuva, not through military maneuvers or political savvy. Mr. Netanyahu should remember that next time he is Mechallel shabbos or eats Treif.

    • Mr Yid should pay more attention to the megillah reading. Haman was eliminated by Esther’s political saviness and Haman was further eliminated by military style maneuvers by him being hung on a tree along with his ten sons and the Jewish enemies were physically eliminated by us Jews slaughtering and killing them

    • So let me hear about some of the big teshuva YOU are doing. For a tinok shnisba like Netanyahu to constantly mention Hashem and trust in him, is a major step. With what are YOU so much better than your upbringing?

  3. Stop with this tinok shenishba nonsense,
    Living in ey, no one is nishboh,
    Nebach on Mr bibi is correct,
    Your sadly missing the whole point of purim,
    I won’t elaborate ,for your obviously not looking for the emes, and sam,
    Yes that was after the nes

    • This is such a manipulative post that the guy wo wrote deep down probably doesn’t believe it .

      All I say is one comment. Rav Dovid Solovachick ztz’l was certainly enough of a kanoi and anti-zionist to be on their good list. (in general that is no great honor..) I repeatedly heard him say after terror attacks that we need to do teshuva and that secular Israelis are tinokos shnisbu

    • A secular Israeli is a lot more of a innocent tinok shnisba than a member of the Neturey Karta is…though I do think that people who grew up in places like Meah Shearim are tinokos shnisbu in relation to some of the averos they so publicly and proudly do.


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