Neturei Karta Delegation Goes To Washington To Show Support For Congresswoman Omar

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A delegation from Neturai Karta expressed solidarity on Wednesday with US Rep. Ilhan Omar  by going down to her office in Washington.

“What she’s saying is the voice of Judaism,” Rabbi Dovid Feldman told reporters.

Feldman said that to confuse Judaism with Zionism and to accuse someone of being anti-Semitic because they oppose the occupation of Palestine or the oppression of the people “is revolting, unacceptable”.

He also issued a statement expressing support for Omar and her stance on Israel.

“No one should be attacked for criticising AIPAC, certainly not the esteemed Congresswoman Omar. She should be lauded for differentiating between Jews and Zionists,” it said. “Judaism is a religion which teaches service of the Almighty, while Zionism attempts to transform Judaism into nationalism.”

Read more.



  1. Stupid misguided fools.She was smart enough not to meet with them I guess she realized she will look even more foolish if she does.

  2. I am glad that these ugly goats were able to squeeze in their visit, without interfering with their five daily prayers and prostrations.

  3. This is crazy— doesn’t Neturai realize she represents hatred and persecution of all Jews ,not just the Jewish State?

  4. “No one should be attacked for criticising AIPAC, certainly not the esteemed Congresswoman Omar. She should be lauded for differentiating between Jews and Zionists,”

    What makes her esteemed?

    When did she explicitly differentiate between Jews and Zionist?

  5. Why is the mishumad wearing the Palestinian scarf? Is he aware that the people he is defending blew up the Sbarro pizza shop in the heart of Jerusalem, murdering in the worst way innocent Jewish children and adults? NK are very wicked people. They will be the first ones slaughtered by the Palestinians should they get their chance.

  6. The frum/Torah community in many areas are starting to embrace the newest Anti-Israel books & to align with out-right Israel/Jewish haters.
    Beware of the chinuch & hashkafa spewed forth by so called “name-brand” writers, Rabbonim & teachers.

  7. If, G-d forbid, as I’ve posted other times about these Jews, terrorists of all kinds, including followers of Ilhan Omar,
    are finally victorious and line up Jews to be exterminated, these Jews will be the first on line, and will cry out “But we
    supported you ! Why are we being put to death ?” May G-d see to it that this should never come about. As always,
    I want my name printed. No “anonymous”. No “initials”. I, contrary to some others, stand up openly for what I say.

  8. Neturei Karta has to remember from Germany they kill they ones they hate first and then they kill the ones that were with them later. Remember to the Germans as well as the Muslims Jews are always Jews for them or against them they all most die.

  9. oh the ahron faction website -satmar news
    they specifically say that they have no connection and relation with this group
    Zali group cant say thta as they fund them

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