NEVER-ENDING: BA.2.75, an Even More Super-Contagious New Omicron Strain, Is Spreading Around the World

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A highly contagious new Omicron strain is spreading quickly around the world and could soon displace the globally dominant ba.5 variant. Scientists say the strain, dubbed BA.2.75, has been gaining ground quickly in India and other countries, including the United States.

The new variant has spike-protein mutations that allow it to bind to cells more easily and could help it to evade antibodies, but it’s not yet clear whether it causes serious illness than earlier strains of the COVID-19 variant. Matthew Binnicker, director of clinical virology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, told the AP that it was too early to draw conclusions, “but it does look like, especially in India, the rates of transmission are showing kind of that exponential increase.” Read more. 


  1. As a virus develops and mutates, it finds ways to become A: more communicable and B: LESS harmful. It doesn’t “pay” for a virus to be too lethal because it will then run out of “food” – i.e. organisms to infect.

    This is normal virology. But when it comes to Covid, all science is ignored and pushed aside to provide a narrative to the panic-mongers who are using it to chip away at society’s freedoms.

  2. We must immediately lock down all Yeshivos and Shuls. All summer camps must immediately send home all their campers. Vinishmartem. All supermarkets and stadiums can remain open as usual.

  3. Run for your 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th booster QUICK! NOW! Before you’ll catch the new monkey virus. Oh, it’s not the monkey virus as it didn’t sell well. So what is now? Omicron again? Whatever it is. Quickly run before they won’t have any poison left for you.

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