New Global Study Claims That Mask-Wearing Is 53% Effective at Stopping COVID

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Mask-wearing is by far the most effective non-pharmaceutical method to stop the spread of the coronavirus, according to a major new global study. According to The Guardian, the new study—written by researchers at Monash University and the University of Edinburgh—is the world’s first robust review that can reliably rate the effectiveness of various public-health measures in slowing down the pandemic. It reportedly showed a 53 percent reduction in the incidence of COVID with mask-wearing, and a 25 percent reduction with physical distancing. Handwashing also appeared to be effective, but more research is required to rate it accurately.

“This systematic review and meta analysis suggests that several personal protective and social measures, including handwashing, mask wearing, and physical distancing are associated with reductions in the incidence of Covid-19,” the researchers wrote in the British Medical Journal. Read more at The Guardian.



  1. How exactly did they conduct this “study”??? They gathered people who had Covid and had half of them wear a mask when coughing on someone else and the other half not wearing a mask?! What a bunch of crock. More importantly, who funded this “study”? Nothing is for free.

  2. Was this study covering healthy ppl wearing the mask, sick people wearing masks or both. Does it protect the wearer or does it protect others? Also what setting was it in public or in close proximity?

  3. More likely, it’s 53% ‘effective’ to their plan of killing innocent people by inhaling carbon dioxide. The masks were ONLY enforced to protect the elite criminals who are being pursued by the military who can hide under masks because everyone has to wear it.

  4. Those who wear masks are at the very least keeping the mitzvah of Nishmartem Me’od es Nafshoteichem. Even if by a little (only Hashem knows). Those who deride, embarrass, or discourage others will be held responsible for their actions. Be careful what you endorse. Those who claim its better to be exposed to Covid virus are just evil. Yes we all want our lives to go back to “normal” but where is our emunah in Hashem.


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