New Initiative Encourages American Chareidim To Make Aliyah

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A new Israeli initiative led by American expats seeks to encourage Haredi immigration from the US.

The Nachliel Project is a nonprofit that aims to “provide information, education and inspiration about the opportunities currently available for Heredi Jews seeking to return to their ancestral homeland.”

A press release from the group says that “recently battered by the devastating effects of COVID-19 combined with a palpable sense of increased anti-Semitism and what they perceive as a hostile political climate,” some in the community “are beginning to give serious consideration about aliyah to Israel for the first time ever.”

Read more at Times of Israel.



    • There are many more options for Olim whose kids need help integrating into the Israeli educational system. This is especially true in Beit Shemesh, where I live. The biggest challenge for “chareidim” who make aliyah from America is that they will quickly find that they are not really “chareidim” necessarily. The standards here are different. Social media and smartphones are commonplace in “black hat” communities in the US. I had an issue getting my kids into schools and needed a special “heter” with a much more limited phone. It is an adjustment but well worth it.

  1. my husband used to call himself a neo-netureikartanik. the isaeli government seems to be bent on taking yiddishkeit out of eretz yisroel. the only right we have to call israel a jewish country is because HaShem promised it to us in the torah. no one has a right to pick and choose; either one is for or against the torah. otherwise it’s נהיה ככל הגוים. we might as well stay put

  2. Sadly, the “palpable sense of increased anti-Semitism and what they perceive as a hostile political climate,” is all too prevalent in EretzYisrael where haredim aren’t just second class citizens, more like fourth class citizens.

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