New Jersey: Gov. Murphy to Ease Covid-19 Lockdown – But Still No Word on Minyanim or Yeshivos Resuming

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New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy held his daily briefing today in Trenton to provide updates on the coronavirus pandemic that has led to over 9,500 deaths in New Jersey.

At the press conference at the Trenton War Memorial’s George Washington Ballroom, Murphy announced that nonessential businesses may reopen for curbside pickup and nonessential construction may resume.

Murphy was joined by state Health Commissioner Judith Persichilli, health communicable disease service medical director Dr. Edward Lifshitz and State Police Superintendent Colonel Patrick Callahan.

Murphy has continuously tweeted updates stating that while the Garden State has made strides in its battle against the pandemic, New Jersey is still dealing with larger ratios of new deaths, cases and hospitalizations compared to three neighboring states.

While allowing nonessential businesses to reopen for curbside pickup, the governor did not make any allowance for public prayer or a change in the social distancing guidelines to allow shuls or yeshivos to reopen.

It should be pointed out that while Murphy has not allowed shuls or churches to open, the following are open:

The state is now allowing pet groomers, pet daycare providers and pet boarding businesses to operate.

Marinas and boatyards in New Jersey have re-opened, the governors of the three states announced April 18.

New Jersey car dealers and real estate agents can continue to operate.

Auto dealers can make sales remotely and online, allowing vehicles to be delivered to customers or allowing for curbside pickup. Car repair and service centers are open.

Stores and supermarkets deemed essential, from CVS to Walmart and Costco to ShopRite and Trader Joe’s are open.

The essential businesses that remain open include:

Auto repair shops
Banks and other financial institutions
Bars and restaurants (for drive-through, delivery and takeout only)
Bicycle shops (only to provide service and repairs)
Convenience stores and grocery stores (any stores that sell food)
Farming equipment stores
Food banks
Gas stations
Gun shops
Hardware stores
Laundromats and dry-cleaning services
Liquor stores
Livestock feed stores
Mail and package delivery stores
Medical supply stores
Microbreweries or brewpubs (for home delivery only)
Mobile phone retail and repair shops
Nurseries and garden centers
Office supply stores and printing shops
Pet stores
Pet groomers, pet daycare providers and pet boarding businesses
Pharmacies and medical marijuana dispensaries
Stores that sell items for religious observance or worship, like Judaica stores
Stores that sell supplies for young children



  1. Does anyone know if the governor ever ordered that shuls must close when proper social distancing is maintained? where is the link to that exec order?

    • read the article closely, its referring to the fact that a house of worship can’t have MORE than the 10 people permitted by any other gathering even if they social distance (which anyhow it’s probably unconstitutional to limit the number of worshipers, not that he cared to consult the experts )

  2. Did you expect anything better from a man who legalized the killing of babies even late term?!

  3. It wasn’t Murphy. Our munchkins in charge were the ones who closed our shuls without trying to switch to the social distancing in the shuls, and to try to walk and chew gum at the same time. Not only that, but they have the chutzpah to try to forbid the safe backyard minyanim too.
    I bet you, that if we just opened up most of the shuls, there’d be nothing that Murphy would be able to do. We are still supposed to have constitutional rights in this country after all, specifically the first amendment. Afraid of goyishe violence? Exercise the second amendment.
    This voluntary shul closing is a very dangerous precedent that will haunt us for the decades to come: our munchkins just conceded the power to close our shuls on any governmental whim such a flu season or to save the electrical grid during the summer or to defend toeiva and who knows what else.

    • Well said. Our leaders (munchkins lol) did this on their own. The ramifications will be huge. I don’t mean conceding power like you do. I mean the ruchnius ramifications to Klal Yisroel of closing every Shul and Yeshiva in the world for over 2 months so far will have huge ramifications. This is a decision that will haunt our leaders forever. Mostly because the decision was made irresponsibly. Without considering the downside and considering other options that are legal and safe but just whimsically said shut it down completely because some doctors said so.

  4. they need to do what Elon Musk of Tesla did in California – open up and dare them to arrest him when he does social distancing…………………………

  5. NO they did not order shuls close but did regulate to 10 people and under that’s what they told me at the lakewood police dept

  6. It is not his fault that he did not open shuls.
    It is our fault.
    If we were as concerned about our davening and learning as much as business owners are about making money, perhaps we would have petitioned more for this.

    • Again we’ll said. To our eternal shame our leaders sat back and let this green deal touting progressive liberal dictate the terms of our ruchnius and didn’t lift a finger to influence the decision at all. My only conclusion can be that no one cares about closing the Shuls. And if this idiot governor thinks liquor stores are more essential than Shul well I don’t expect him to know better.

  7. you people are disgusting. In my religion, we listen to our Rabbonim. Period.
    What is so hard to understand?? ONE LiFE is not worth all of our minyanim. The idiotic question of “what about cars” has no basis in Halacha to anyone with a brain. There are calculations of what is likely and what isn’t. Read some Teshuvos that discuss skiing, skydiving etc. I am sick of apikores commentators already. Please, make your minyan. I doubt you would count for a minyan anyway. You worship the God of Minyan. I worship Hashem. Go make your own websites for your religion and get off of mine.

  8. Listen to this Dr. talking in Austin Texas about her long line of successes just like our Dr Zelenko!
    UNBELIEVABLE SPEECH BY Dr Yvette Lozano from Dallas, Texas
    Deepstate and MSM is CENSORING ALL INFORMATION on COVID – We are being attacked NOW
    Listen to the astounding 13 min !
    98 percent recovery for most ages except elderly when not caught early No ,mask needed may actually be dangerous
    Why is the media not reporting this cures ? why are they not shouting this info from the mountaintops?but o the contrary blocking all posotive info ?
    Get out get sun, open up go shopping smile and be happy it truly helps build up immune system Dr Lezano !!
    India has only 2% infection rate to the U.S. Why because of Hydroxy-Quarantine is used in the water!” Trump was right hear it

    • How much HCQ are you putting in your drinking water? Or are you taking it in tablets? Which dosage? More or less than malaria prophylaxis? Also you are certainly aware that people who don’t have malaria can only take HCQ for short periods. How long have you been taking it and how long do you plan to continue?


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