New Study: Face Mask Usage Correlates With Higher Death Rates

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A new peer-reviewed study entitled: “Correlation Between Mask Compliance and COVID-19 Outcomes in Europe” has demonstrated that use of face masks, even widespread, did not correlate with better outcomes during the COVID epidemic, based on data from 35 European countries with populations of over one million people each, encompassing a total of 602 million people, Arutz Sheva reports.

Governments and advisory bodies have recommended and often mandated the wearing of face masks in public spaces and in many areas mandates or recommendations remain in place, despite the fact, the study notes, that randomized controlled trials from prior to and during the epidemic have failed to show a benefit to the wearing of such masks with regard to COVID transmission. “Positive correlation between mask usage and cases was not statistically significant,” the study also found, “while the correlation between mask usage and deaths was positive and significant (rho = 0.351, p = 0.039).” That is to say, more mask usage correlated with a higher death rate.

“Moreover,” the study concludes, “the moderate positive correlation between mask usage and deaths in Western Europe also suggests that the universal use of masks may have had harmful unintended consequences.”


  1. MAZEL TOV! Haven’t we said it all along? Doctors, teachers, stewardesses who enforced masks should be sued for murder.

    • No, that does not make sense. The people wearing masks are shaking with fright and this lowers their immunity. Not to mention that little thing called breathing fresh air that is necessary for life. Also, masks become dirty, increasing chances of breathing in bacteria, viruses, etc. Unless you are going to wear a space suit, the kinds of mask nearly everyone has been wearing do not stop transmission of anything but do prevent healthy breathing.

    • In 2020, before the vax, it was mainly the masked who were hospitalized for oxygen deficiency and inhaling too much carbon dioxide. And these idiots left the hospitals with masks on their mouths and noses.

  2. As said, “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics”.
    The people who tended to be more careful and consistent in their mask usage were generally the elderly or infirm and therefore the most vulnerable to Covid and the least likely to wear them consistently and properly. A such, it would be expected that they would have a higher death rate, even with masks.

    • Look it up yourself. Do you expect fake news to tell you the truth about the 2-year fake virus and the dangerous vax and mask?

  3. Please quote the source of this study, if there is one – where was it published, where it was conducted, and by whom, instead of quoting Arutz Sheva, which ALSO skipped every necessary detail.
    There is so much online misinformation these days, on both sides of the debate, that even reputable news outlets, who rush to be the first to publicize, often print or post totally unreliable, or outright fictitious data.
    If such a study was actually conducted, and has been peer reviewed, there absolutely MUST be valid scientific journals or websites, that would provide the necessary sources.
    I want to see the original, rather than a quotation of a quotation, which doesn’t even amount to hearsay.
    To paraphrase this into Jewish parlance, “I heard that someone else heard that there might be a rabbi who allows doing ….. on Shabbos, and that other rabbis may be in agreement” doesn’t constitute a heter.

  4. The truth is, the masks, like the entire covid quack was 100% political and all governments and all politicians, including the so-called health departments, where well aware of it. The masks had absolutely nothing to do with health and nothing to do with a fake pandemic. They were SOLELY to protect the fleeing elite criminals who were being pursued as the planet was being cleansed of these evil criminals who committed massive crimes against humanity. Now that most of them were b”H apprehended globally, they “suddenly” came out with this “new study” – as if they didn’t know about it all along.

  5. I found the article online. It is a single author article, which is unheardof these days. It is published in a journal I had never heard of. It has had an incredible 27 articles retracted in the past year — for most journals the number is zero or one.

    Now, to the article itself. It fails to address the issue of “reverse causality” — people wear masks BECAUSE the death rate from COVID was high. It simply correlated mask use to death rates. The take home message from the data could be that it takes mass death to get people to wear masks instead of the one the author claims.

    • But yet YOU believed every word of some alleged “whistleblower” in the Trump/Ukraine hoax.


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