New York Bagel Shops Brace for a Schmear Shortage: ‘This Is Bad—This Is Very Bad’

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Call it schmear madness: New York’s bagel shops might soon be out of cream cheese. The latest casualty in a months’ long cascade of supply chain issues has sent purveyors scrambling—in some cases, all the way to North New Jersey. “I’ve never been out of cream cheese for 30 years,” said Brooklyn-based F&H Dairies owner Joseph Yemma, one of 20 sources who spoke with The New York Times. “There’s no end in sight.”

The shortage began about three weeks ago, the Times reports, and New York’s bagel shops go through thousands of pounds of cream cheese every few weeks. “This is bad,” added Pick-a-Bagel manager Pedro Aguilar. “This is very bad.” As amusing as the shortage might appear on the surface, it represents a major threat to these shops, whose owners worry people will stop ordering in the absence of their favorite spread. As one customer put it, “That’s an essential part of the bagel.” Read more at The New York Times.



  1. I don’t understand. Dairy products should not be affected by this shortage hoax. Milk, cheese, eggs, etc…come form local farms, not from overseas. This is just another way for American companies and factories to illegally price gouge the average gullible American consumer.

    • And how do these farm goods get to the processing plants and from the processing plants to the stores and restaurants. Just another way that the ignorant American consumer get desire ahead of need.

  2. מועצת גדולי הפרעס צריכים להתכנס ולגזור תענית

    כל הפרעסערס צרכים לצום לשלשה ימים ושלשה לילות ולהתחנן לפני הקב”ה למנוע ולהעביר הגזרה הרעה

  3. Very simple solution, put less cream cheese on the bagel and charge less money for the sammich. Most places put way too much schmear on the bagel in order to fool people into not complaining that they are being over charged on a simple cream sammich.

  4. One simple solution to this problem can best be described as a “Schmear for a Schmear”. The bagel shop owners need to schmear the suppliers for some schmear. And they should make sure spread out the schmear to as many suppliers as they can.


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