New Zealand Bans Cigarettes for Future Generations

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New Zealand has passed a law to ban sales of cigarettes to future generations, one of the strictest measures in the world to finally end smoking.

“Thousands of people will live longer, healthier lives and the health system will be $5 billion better off from not needing to treat the illnesses caused by smoking, such as numerous types of cancer, heart attacks, strokes, amputations,” associate health minister Ayesha Verrall said as the law was passed Tuesday. The law, accompanied by several other measures to ultimately make smoking harder, bans the sale of cigarettes to anyone born on or after Jan. 1, 2009. The move is part of a plan to make the country “smokefree” by 2025. Read more. 


  1. Live free and die free. Hashem made us in his image. Nothing is more free than Hashem himself. Therefore we should all be determined to live in a world with as much freedom as possible. I am not condoning smoking,
    but this is the beginning of the end.
    I would rather die a free man with or from a smoking related illness than die as a healthy slave to the virtue signaling godless, communist and globalist / reform Judaism/lgbqt/palestinian agenda.

  2. Face it, the free can smoke.

    Cigars are enjoyed. Cigarettes are dramatic.

    An old man with a pipe is a life lived. Wonder how deep and long this lasts.

  3. Smoking is 100 times safer than the CV19 Jabs which had in the last few months killed and maimed millions. There are plenty of people who’ve been smoking all their lives and died as old men.


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