Observant Jews Volunteer Most

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According to figures from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, religious Jews volunteer the most year after year.

Some 1.255 million Israelis did volunteer work in 2021, accounting for 21% of Israelis aged 20 and over. They included 25% of Israel’s Jews and 7% of its Arabs. Among the Jews, 40% were chareidi, 32% religious, 18% traditional, and 25% secular.

Some 53% of the volunteers reported that they were “very satisfied” with life, compared to 38% non-volunteers. Volunteers were also more optimistic, with 68% saying they were expecting their lives to improve, compared to 55% of non-volunteers.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. According to figures from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics, religious Jews volunteer the most year after year.
    When asked how Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics [CBS] gleaned the aforementioned info, Donny, a non-religious CBS official, told reporters on Sunday: “I’m not at liberty to volunteer that information to you. But my colleague at the Bureau, the Charedi fellow, Avremele, he’ll be glad to volunteer that info to you.”
    “Give Avremele a call,” the CBS official said, “he’ll even offer to come down to your home and learn with you, invite you to his own home for Shabbos, and pick you up and drive you to his home on erev shabbos.”
    “You don’t even have to ask Avremele for any of these favors,” the CBS official said, “he does these things of his own volition.”

  2. The problem with this article is that it doesnt include the mandatory military service and sherut leumi that the modern religious do. You may argue that that isnt volunteer work. True but there is no bigger sacrifice than serving to defend your country.

    It reminds of an article I read years ago about how unmarried people volunteer and help out the community more for than married people. As if the article is trying to show that singles are more caring and do more etc. The problem with that is that there is no greater chessed than taking care of your own spouse and children. As the phrase goes “chesed starts at home”.

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