ON FIRE: Watch: Shmuley Boteach Eviscerates Cenk Uygur in Epic Takedown in Defense of Israel

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As calls for a ceasefire in Gaza grow ever louder, Shmuley Boteach and Cenk Uygur went head-to-head on Piers Morgan Uncensored in a fiery debate.



  1. This Cenk Uygur can’t answer the facts so he has to keep calling Shmuely Boteach a Bigot.
    Cenk Uygur, you are a sad excuse of a 2 legged animal, and let’s hope you never get elected to anything in the US!

  2. Botech started his monologue with ridiculous uncalled-for comments. He lost the debate for that even though he gave good answers later. In the last 4 weeks, I watched many of Pier’s interviews he’s a good interviewer but he tries to seem to be on the side of whomever he is debating. I also watched a number of the Young Turk podcasts and interviews. Like a typical Palestinian supporter, this guy says half-truths, and distortions to push his position in support of the Palestinians. I’ll give you a few examples He never mentions in any interview that Hamas has tunnels under Gaza or that Hamas embedded itself among the civilian population All that matters is that Israel is killing “civilians” and CHILDREN. In one interview he said Israel should do what America did to Osma Bin Laden Go find the Hamas terrorists and kill them but not the innocent civilians. Really, first of all it took a number of years till we got him second Ibn Laden wasn’t our next-door neighbor like Hamas and Gaza is.

  3. Once again, Israel is the *** ONLY *** country in the world that is required to fight its genocidal terrorist enemies with *** ZERO *** civilians harmed, even though their genocidal terrorist enemies always use civilians as Human Shields, which is a War Crime.

    Israel’s genocidal terrorist enemies laugh, because they know from many years of experience that the Mainstream News Media (MSM) will blame Israel for any civilians harmed, even though Israel’s enemies intentionally endanger civilians by using them as Human Shields.

    Israel’s enemies also intentionally endanger civilians by not providing them with bomb shelters (those are for terrorists only) and by prohibiting civilians from fleeing the combat zone.

    And the terrorists do not care, because they know that the Mainstream News Media will always blame Israel for any civilians harmed.

  4. The first rule in debate is to reverse roles.

    You asked Cenk, innocently: :is there any war in world history, including recent history, which was executed properly (i.e., with proper care to civilians), and, if so, can you show me how Israel worse than your example?

    He won’t be able to think of a single example. Check mate.

  5. unfortunately rabbi boteach, while certainly a yid and a friend to Jews everywhere, is a “nebach apikores”.
    He means well, but a cursory pursual of his works will show you that unfortunately he has a lot of misguided ideas.
    I think that’s an important aspect when e have friends. Know who your friends/brothers are, but don’t let down your guard in the areas where they fall short.

  6. Toeles.
    “rabbi boteach”, while certainly a yid and friend of yidden, is, unfortunately, seemingly, an apikores.
    This can be discerned from even a cursory review of his works.
    one should be cautious in approaching his works


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