PATHETIC EXCUSE: Schumer Insists: Speech Wasn’t Meant To Be An Attack On Israel

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Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) spoke to Washington Post columnist EJ Dionne regarding his recent speech in which he advocated for Israel to change its government, asserting that his intentions were not to assail Israel.

“I spent two months contemplating this and grappling with it,” Schumer conveyed to Dionne, contending that the speech aimed to bolster support for Israel, especially among younger Americans.

“Too many people are souring on Israel due to their disdain for [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu,” he asserted. “And I felt it crucial to demonstrate that one could oppose Netanyahu while remaining staunchly pro-Israel, as I am.”

Schumer upheld his endorsement of early elections as in line with desires expressed by Israelis themselves in polls. “We’re not dictating Israel’s choice,” Schumer clarified to Dionne. “We’re simply advocating for their right to choose, particularly when so many are dissatisfied with the current Israeli government.”

Although Republicans criticized Schumer’s speech, President Joe Biden expressed support for it on Friday. “He delivered a commendable speech,” Biden remarked in the Oval Office, responding to reporters’ queries about Schumer’s remarks. “He voiced genuine concerns shared not only by him but by many Americans,” Biden continued, noting that his staff were informed about the speech in advance by Schumer.

White House National Security Communications Advisor John Kirby refuted claims that Biden is pushing for new Israeli elections. When asked whether Biden desires new elections in Israel and for Netanyahu to step down, Kirby replied, “That decision rests with the Israeli people.”

Asked about the aspects of Schumer’s speech that appealed to Biden, Kirby stated, “The President appreciated the sincerity with which Leader Schumer delivered that speech. He acknowledged that those remarks resonate with many Americans.”

In a Sunday interview with CNN, Netanyahu criticized Schumer’s comments as “entirely inappropriate.” Netanyahu asserted that the decision to hold elections in Israel lies solely with the Israeli government. “It’s inappropriate…to interfere in a fellow democracy’s affairs and attempt to replace its elected leadership,” remarked the Prime Minister, adding that the Israeli public would determine whether elections should be held post the Israel-Hamas conflict.



  1. Senator Schumer cares very deeply about:
    1) Senator Schumer
    2) The Democratic party, particularly any sitting Democratic President, whether that President is Obama, Biden, or anyone else with a (D) next to their name.
    3) The safety of Israel. (Not if this infringes in any way on items #1 and #2, of course. But still, he cares very, very much – just ask him.)

  2. Who cares what you meant! It was mean and the damage may be irreparable! A person of your stature must think of the ramifications: YOU DIDN’T.
    You in all likelihood, may have caused unnecessary Jewish blood to spill! Unnecessary Jewish lives may be lost because of your indiscretion! Thi Mishna councils us to think before talking.
    May Hashem watch over all Jews and may you be zoche to repent before your demise.

  3. Hey jerk, scum I didn’t mean to insult you
    Typical Democrat response,do the damage and deny the intent hey, when is your drop the bomb a kill 3 million people they didn’t mean to do it would you let that go Mr. Senator

  4. Will biden or schumer speak that way to putin who threatens US with nuclear war? Or Kim Jong Un? Xi Jinping? Ebrahim Raisi?Abdel Fattah El-Sisi Bashar al-Assad? Or do they give millions to the mullahs….
    Oh israel is an easy target. An “ally?”. Like obumba got israels back! stabbed them in the back everytime.

    biden quotes numbers supplied by hamas without question. israel the most just army tells the enemy we are going to bomb you leave?

    they had peace and a ceasefire 10/6 and the enemy started the war. free the poor hostages.
    evil upon evil

    why the world doesnt call out hamas for stealing aid. hiding behind children and civilians. using $ donated to create terror tunnels.

  5. It wasn’t meant to be an attack on Israel, it was meant to be Kowtow to the antisemites in Michigan. The Democrats will sell their souls and give away their own brothers for a vote.

  6. Chuck is the Erev Rav. He calls himself a Shomer Yisroel. What a joke. He would do anything to promote himself, That is his only interest. He doesn’t care if he helps to destroy Israel and the Jewish people. One day in the not far off future he will find himself standing before the TRUE SHOMER YISROEL, He won’t be arrogant then. The smirk will be wiped off his face. He will be crying for all the terrible damage he did to the Jewish people. Good luck Chuckie! Biden and AOC and Tlaib won’t be able to save you.

  7. So interesting to see how all the Zionists prattle on about how terrible this politician is, calling him erev rav and claiming that he is responsible for Jewish blood having been spilled and all that – but wouldn’t dream of saying anything like that about the actual erev Rav responsible for rivers of Jewish blood, the Zionists (of course). What an idol. Hashem yishmireinu.

  8. Of course not he’s chuck shomer yisroel Schumer after all. Gotta say for someone who’s” avoiding escalation” he isn’t doing a great job


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