Pelosi on “Endless Lying” GOP: ‘I Cannot Believe Anybody Would Vote for These People’

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told The New York Times in an interview that she has trouble believing Republicans will regain the House come November.

“Forget that,” Pelosi said to those pointing out the poor performance historically of an incumbent president’s party in their first midterm election. “We are talking about the future. I don’t care about what happened in 1946,” she said, according to Newsmax.

“Part of it is, I cannot believe anybody would vote for these people,” she continued, attributing the Republican midterm strategy to “endless lying and endless money.”



  1. She is queen of the liars and the frauds and the thieves. She accuses the Republicans of endless lying and endless money??? This describes her and the Democrats in a nutshell!

  2. She took the words right out of my mouth….except that I was referring to the Demonrats! Anyone notice how the Democrats are exceptional at accusing the everyone of exactly their own faults?? “endless lying and endless money.” – Yup couldn’t have said it any better!


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