Pelosi Says Rioters Chose Their ‘Whiteness’ Over Democracy

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Saturday that the rioters who took part in the breach of the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday chose their “whiteness” over democracy.

The Associated Press first reported her remarks, which she made during an online video meeting with constituents in San Francisco. A transcript of her comments were shared with The Hill. 

The comment came after Pelosi acknowledged the number of people who died of COVID-19 on Wednesday and Thursday, both of which were records for single-day coronavirus deaths in the United States

Read more at The Hill.



  1. Yes, I agree with the Speaker of the House. White middle class males must be beaten into submission. They must be stripped of their homes & possessions. They must give all future salaries to reparations for unemployed black folks. Then these evil wicked WHITE scum of the earth must be thrown into re-education camps. But these new rules under the upcoming Harris administration won’t apply to wealthy elitists who are WHITE, like Paul Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein’s husband – Richard Blum, Jonathan Gillibrand, Mark Zuckerberg, Mike Bl$$mberg, George Bush, Anderson Cooper, etc… Only the middle-class whites will be stripped of all their freedoms.

  2. Have you noticed that she and Biden are always covered with a mask you shouldn’t be able to compare their with the real ones?

    • Its people like her and BLM are the ones who point out our differences and stoke more divide. People who want equality should focus on the fact that we are all human…etc. anyone who focuses on our differences only helps us feel more apart.
      I have nothing against people of any color but things like this push us further apart.


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