Pesach Alert: Most Vaping Products Contain Chometz

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Please note that most vaping products are not kosher for Pesach. Virtually all disposables, Juul pods, and year round vape juice contain chometzdike ingredients due to the use of alcohol flavorings that contain wheat.

There are a limited number of kosher for Pesach vape juices. Caveat emptor.



  1. How about:
    Safety alert: All vaping products cause lung damage.
    Chometz is important, but does it supersede v’nishmartem?

  2. This is old news. I believe Reb Moshe Shternbach put out a letter about this a few years ago. I have heard this warning from the vaping companies years ago.

    But very few people listened.

    Taivah is Taivah. (And some uninformed Rabonim we’re telling people they don’t see what could be wrong with it. That’s another issues completely)

  3. thx so much for telling this to us it enhances my yom tov knowing that i can vape kosher lpesach drops! and for mr. scratching his head 1 in 10000 get effected by vaping


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