PHOTO: Antisemitic Poster Calls For The Ending Of ‘Jewish Privilege’

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  1. That’s because Jewish people happen to have good brains and also make a life for them self. It’s equal opportunity for all here in America. You want to riot and loot, that’s the choice you make. You want to educate yourself and propel yourself that’s your choice too. If you yell and scream Black Lives Matter, that ain’t gonna get you into Ivy League.

  2. so twisted, getting into universities is something that is earned…
    these statistics just show that Jewish people work hard and earn the privilege of getting into universities

  3. I would hope that this will wake up all those in Jewish community whom are asleep to the dangers posed by the radical left, which is now firmly in control of the Democrat Party (yes, i said that)

  4. Oh for goodness sake!
    Yeah, if the starting premise is one of a communist society and assumes all are equal and only awarded their positions in university or business or wherever, then yes, those numbers would smack of unfair privilege.

    But being that we don’t live in such a scenario, but one primarily of a form of meritocracy, where one’s position is EARNED and not awarded to them (especially in higher tertiary education), then there is no ‘privilege’ to speak of.

    Unfortunately, and ironically, those who need to hear this message most, wouldn’t be able to understand what I’ve written. (Which brings us back to the root of the problem again.)

    (And, P.S. one’s aptitude is at least 95% genetic – nature, not nurture – so crying for different treatment to get one to that higher level is as silly as complaining that one demographic group of society is, say, shorter than another. It it what it is, do the best you can and what is most suited to who you are.)

    (P.P.S. All of the above is re. derech tevah, and not related to achievents in a dvar ruchnius.)

  5. Jews are not privileged, we earn what we have by investing all our effort into learning and working. In contrast to others who invest their effort into looting, burning, and all other felonies.

  6. It’s NOT because of “Privilege”. It’s because WE are a “People of the Book”; from Biblical times. When the Jewish People, willingly & Unconditionally, accepted the Torah, with it’s 613 statutes & laws (Exodus; 19:8), WE became
    “….the only Wise & Understanding People…this great Nation”; (Deuteronomy; 4:6).
    Hence, no wonder, one finds a preponderance of Jews, ‘scattered’ among Ivy League Universities, & in the ranks of Noble Prize winners.
    It’s that simple!

  7. Quite ironically if you are one of those Jewish liberals in places Harvard this sign is in fact correct.

    What is your justification for using your white Jewish privilege to the exclusion of other?

  8. at least this poster tells the truth about what these movements are really becoming all about. It is unfortunate, true, and not right that there are black people that have had to deal with racism. however their cause is being hijacked by pro islam, anti israel, anti semetic elements. it is very real and very scary.
    keep the left wing radicals away from our govt. they are destroying this country by promoting these ideals.

  9. I am willing to bet anybody theat Hlachically they are not all Jewish, maybe a grandfather is, maybe a conservative giyur, or reformed which means NOTHING
    this is still alarming and should wake us up and concern Frum Jews, just stating a fact that there are millions who consider themselves Jewish when in fact THEY ARE NOT.

  10. And, on the contrary, these universities in fact practice ‘affirmative action’ giving extra leeway (ie. privilege) to blacks to try to up their presence there.

  11. To Anonymous:
    I don’t know if you are referring to me. I was (and still am), smart enough. And, did get into, and completed my training, at Harvard!! How about You???

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