PM Bennett Meets US NSA Sullivan to Discuss Iranian Threat

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Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan on Wednesday at the Prime Minister’s Office in Yerushalayim.

The two discussed a variety of subjects, among them the ongoing negotiations in Vienna between Iran and the other signatories to the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear agreement, according to a statement from Bennett’s office.


Prior to his meeting with Bennett, Sullivan held a working meeting with his Israeli counterpart, Eyal Hulata.


The relationship between the two countries is “as strong as ever,” said Bennett, adding that it was for this reason the two sides could talk “openly and candidly about all the shared challenges that we’re facing.”

Sullivan said that U.S. President Joe Biden had requested that he visit Israel because the two countries were at a “critical juncture … on a major set of security issues.”

“It’s important that we sit together and develop a common strategy, a common outlook, and find a way forward that fundamentally secures your country’s interests and mine,” said Sullivan.

Bennett concluded his opening statement with a holiday message.

“I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family, to wish President Biden and the first lady, and to wish the great people of the United States… It’s going to be a good day,” he said. JNS.ORG

{ Israel}


  1. A nation of men with beards. A bible that prohibits shaving.

    An arab culture using terms like infidel. Could upstaging the west be anything it does not want?

    Look at India. This week it was reported in the Nikkei Asian Review that a huge deal sets them to hold a joint harbor with Iran. India wants to trade with central asia. Iran has regional miles it will secure with others and we ease no view our laws are just.

    However you look at it, a president standing in front of bearded Abe Lincolns good picture on the wall is not the man himself. Quit the dream of turning the country to infidelity and restore Lincoln bread winners. Iran may heckle less and may not have its war.


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