Poll: Majority Say Hamas Responsible For Middle East Violence

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Sixty percent of respondents to a Harvard Caps/Harris Poll say Hamas is to blame for the recent violence in the Middle East, The Hill reported Monday.

According to the survey of 1,945 registered voters taken May 19-20, 60 percent hold the terrorist organization Hamas at fault for the deadly rocket attacks and corresponding air strikes by Israel into the Gaza Strip taking place over 11 days.

The bloodshed translated into 248 dead, including 66 children, and more than 1,900 wounded in Palestine and an Israeli soldier and 12 civilians killed in Israel, according to the report.

Forty percent of respondents blamed Israel, according to the poll.

Read more at NEWSMAX



  1. While it’s comforting that the majority sees the reality, it’s actually scarier that FORTY PERCENT blame Israel!?

    That’s a very high number. After 1967, Israel had the overwhelming majority of American support including from the media. The shift in trend is scary.

  2. I wonder, upon whose heads do these 40% lay the responsibility, when Muslims attack a concert in France, shoot people in German streets, rape women in Sweden, or stab passerby in London?
    Are those countries at fault, too? Of course, it’s the stupidity of leadership in those lands, which allowed the dregs of the Middle East and Africa to flow therein, but are the victims of Islamic crime in Europe at fault, according to 40% of responders?


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