Poll: Nearly Two-Thirds Say Politics Influenced Fauci’s COVID Decisions

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People like Dr. Anthony Fauci, but 65% of voters believe political considerations have influenced Fauci’s decisions and public statements about the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a Rasmussen Reports survey released on Wednesday.

This includes 40% who think political considerations have had much influence on Fauci, the president’s top medical adviser.

Only 11% believe his decisions and statements about the pandemic haven’t been influenced at all by political considerations.

Other results from the poll include the following:

  • Fifty-four percent of likely voters have a favorable opinion of Fauci, who is the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, including 34% who have a very favorable view of him. However, that approval is down from 68% and 42%, respectively, from a poll conducted last May.
  • Forty percent say that over the past year they have become less confident in Fauci’s recommendations about the coronavirus, while 28% are more confident in his  recommendations and another  28% say their level of confidence is unchanged.
  • Among Democrats, 79% view Fauci favorably, compared to 49% of unaffiliated voters and  32% of Republicans.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. Four fifth asked would say that personal political affiliations of the Rasmussen Report survey respondents influenced their opinions about Dr. Fauci’s decisions.

  2. President Trump was right all along by calling it the CHINA VIRUS……………..
    if it’s smells like fish, tastes like fish it must be FISH……………..


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