Poll: Unvaccinated Believe COVID Vaccines Riskier Than Virus

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Unvaccinated Americans say the COVID-19 vaccines are more dangerous than the virus itself, a new poll by Yahoo News and YouGov reveals.

Here are how the poll results, released Tuesday, break down:

  • 37% of unvaccinated Americans say the vaccines represent a greater health risk than the virus.
  • 29% say the virus poses a greater risk to their health than the vaccines.
  • 34% say they’re not sure.
  • 51% of unvaccinated U.S. adults say they will “never” get vaccinated.
  • 20% say they will wait “to see what happens to others before deciding.”
  • 22% were not sure what they will do.
  • 37% of unvaccinated Americans say they are “concerned about long-term side effects.”
  • 17% don’t trust the government.
  • 16% say the vaccines are too new.
  • 11% say the Food and Drug Administration “hasn’t fully approved the vaccines yet.”
  • 6% of unvaccinated Americans say they don’t trust any vaccines.
  • 39% say they are not worried about the Delta variant.
  • 34% say they are worried about the Delta variant.
  • 85% of vaccinated Americans say the Delta variant poses a serious risk.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. OK, let’s talk facts, not beliefs and emotions. If you are non-diabetic, are not undergoing cancer treatments, are not taking immunosuppressants due to organ transplants, are not suffering from hypertension, are not suffering from other immune system disorders: if you are younger than 30 – your chance of dying from covid when infected is ZERO, if you are between 30 and 60 – the infection fatality rate is still BELOW that of a typical seasonal FLU, if you are between 60 and 75 – it’s about the SAME as FLU, then it goes higher for those older than 75, but still hovers at very low percentages. We are not talking black plague and smallpox here, people! Additionally, if you already had covid and recovered, as most people residing in large metropolitan areas already had, your immune system already received a much more superior immune defense than any covid vaccine can hope to deliver. Meanwhile, the covid “vaccines” are not at all like regular time-tested vaccines for other infectious diseases; they use highly experimental MRA technologies with unknown consequences, and the covid “vaccines” should be classified as a genetic therapy instead. Such genetic therapies have been used previously as cancer treatments which is understandable, but never before on the healthy people. This covid genetic therapy can have all kinds of long-term side effects, from infertility to immune system disorders. The only way to make sure that this covid genetic therapy is safe is to test it for a decade or two, and stop censoring and cancelling any researchers who don’t toe the Fauci-line. A scientific method, which pulled Europe out of the middle ages, and gave the western-world the military and industrial power to take over the rest of the world, is premised on free conversation, questioning and imperical proof; the Faucistic dogmatic stifling of any scientific-method tools is a cultist operating-procedure, and has nothing to do with his favorite word “science”. The bottom line: if you are healthy and younger than 60, you have very little to gain but very possibly stand a lot to lose if you inject yourself with this genetic therapy. And if you already had covid and recovered, you are already immune, with more robust immunity than any vaccine can offer, hence have zero benefit from injecting yourself. Make your own decisions. It’s all about risk versus benefit, just like every other decision in life.

  2. Among our own people, there are many who firmly believe in talking fish, flying horses, and the buried who remain alive.
    Just because someone chooses to put his faith in nonsense, even if there are multitudes who share the same folly, that doesn’t change the reality, or validate the misconception.

  3. The unvaccinated believe that covid which was concocted in 2017 doesn’t exist and never did as not 1 person in the world died from it. Either they were murdered in old age homes and hospitals or they had an existing illness. Bekitzur, it’s a bogus political virus to be able to inject depopulation chemicals.

    • Well, as far as the nursing home deaths, yes, you are right. The corrupt Attorney generals office says that governor Cuomo did absolutely nothing wrong and he is as clean & pure as the wind driven snow. The AG’s office says no one died in the nursing homes and it’s only those white Trump supporters who made up the lie that seniors were killed there.

  4. People believe what they hear from tens of thousands of doctors who claim that facine are dangerous. Besides, they hear it from funeral directors who are saying the only ones dying are those taking the facine. And they see that friends, relatives and others are dying like flies after taking the facine. It’s only politicians who are lying through their teeth. They know the truth better than anyone else.

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