Pollard: ‘ ‘I Told the Warden – G-d Runs the World, Not You’

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Jonathan Pollard engaged in a thought-provoking interview on the esteemed Real Talk program, hosted by Israel National News. Throughout the conversation, Pollard shed light on various aspects of his life, sharing both poignant and inspiring anecdotes.

With respect for legal constraints, Pollard acknowledged that there are certain topics he is still forbidden to openly discuss, particularly regarding the specifics of his case.

Pollard recounts his introduction into prison: “The warden told me I would never see the sky or breathe fresh air again. I told him, ‘We’ll see about that. God runs the world, not you.’ I sat down in my cell and negotiated with God, and said, ‘I can’t do this myself’. I agreed that I would do and not do a certain number of things, and he would save me. When I was brought out again seven years later, the warden was waiting for me, and I said, ‘See? God runs the world. I lost a tooth, but it was the sweetest pain I ever had.”

“[My wife] “Esther told me that I had to live like a real Jew. That helped me survive twenty-three years in the general population, where people were dying left and right. You can’t live on hate alone in there – you can live a long time on hate, but eventually, you will die of an overdose or in a fight. I saw the worst and the best of humanity in there – the worst I’ll leave to the imagination, but the best was someone who gave his painkiller patch to another inmate. He faced a five-year extension of his sentence for that but said, ‘I can’t stand by, I need to help him somehow’. The charge was dropped, and every color of inmate turned out to say goodbye to him.”



  1. In reference to Jonathan Pollard having said to the warden of the prison he was in,
    “G-d runs the world; not you”, I seem to recall that Albert Einstein, of all people, is
    credited with having said virtually the same thing, in a debate with someone, “Don’t
    tell G-d how to run the world”. Amazing isn’t it how total opposites seem to have
    come to the same conclusion or did Einstein somehow mean something different
    than Pollard even though they both seem to have said the same thing ?

  2. In reference to giving a prescription pain patch to someone else, that is practicing medicine without a license and should never be done. if it were OTC that would be a different story. Just clarifying for children who read this and might think it was an admirable thing to do.

    It is wrong. Somethings that look right are really wrong so be careful.

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