Preventing The Next Pandemic Will Cost $22.2 Billion A Year, Scientists Say

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As the world grapples with the toll of the coronavirus pandemic, scientists are warning the funding needed to prevent the next zoonotic disease outbreak is severely lacking — leaving everyone vulnerable.

The price tag for protecting and monitoring pristine forests and wildlife trade where diseases emerge is an estimated $22.2 billion to $30.7 billion, according to the report in the journal Science.

While hefty, it pales in comparison to the minimum of $8.1 trillion in losses globally resulting from the current pandemic, the report said.

Read more at NBC News



  1. The new tax to fund this could be called the Bezos tax – no country allows Amazon sales unless a portion of those sales (22B annually) funds fighting pandemics. So, instead of becoming the worlds first trillionaire in 5-6 years as projected, he’ll need to wait a bit longer as he’s made to help us all live longer.

    • When you fail getting money and you want something reserved for those who have money, do you take it away from those who have? Not even STALIN went that far, he said that people are entitled to free healthcare, but only if they work – in whatever job they are capable of – for many hours per day, per week, per year.

      • it depends. do companies like bezos benefit from the average Joe’s taxes to upkeep roads and infrastructure? also big companies tend to abuse democracy leading to legislation benefiting them before the average joe. so yes things arent so simple

  2. Bill Gates is b”H gone. If Fauci, WHO and the worldwide Deep State criminals, including scientist criminals, will be arrested or executed, who’ll create scamdemics? Coroney Baloney will end when Trump’s promise of the Draining of Swamp will be complete. He’s b”H getting there.

  3. There is no new virus. There never was. The flu, fever, pneumonia, bronchitis and all other sicknesses existed for hundreds of years. Coronavirus is a Deep State scandemic they prepared in case they couldn’t impeach Trump which they’ve tried for 3 years. Look up Agenda 21 or Event 201.

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