R’ Mordechai Groner: Let’s Join Together B’Achdus

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  1. Achdus would have been between one group of Torah Jews and another who are not be’achdus. There’s no commandment in the Torah to be be’achdus with people who are openly mechalel shem Shamayim berabim and scorn and scoff at Hashem and His Torah.

    • Why are you posting anonymously say your name so people know to distance themselves from people who dis rescpext talmeodo chachamim

  2. I don’t agree with everything that he said.. I am not so sure this Rabbi knows the history of the reform.. What reform is today.. Calling for Achdus with reform is stepping over the line. The gedolim (and our mesorah) never came out publicly with anything that Rabbi Groner said..

    • Exactly.
      All the Rabbanim came out recently to condemn the Open Orthodox movement. It was even mentioned by the Rosh Agudah at a previous years convention. They were very strong in their terminology to totally disassociate from that dangerous evil Organization. Are the Open Orthodox worse than this group that has taken over the Temple? Just because there was a terrible tragedy, AND IT WAS A TRAGEDY, does that mean we are supposed to throw our Torah values out the window?! Would this Rabbi and the others say the exact same words if the tragedy would of happened to a group of Open Orthodox that had gathered?! The worst thing in Yiddishkeit is to be a hypocrite. Some explanation is in order over here.

      • Dear Rabbi Groner,

        Rav Avigdor Miller, OB”M says “It’s Ossur to vote for the liberal democrats”.They are the snake of Satan. I am sorry to say but I’m NOT impressed with you so called Achudas Speach. It’s wrong time, wrong place, wrong Al Pe Torah. It’s shameful that you are not educated by the Torah laws. You are not using a Jewish approach to the Gays… Rav Nachman of Breslov zt”l said that it is OSSUR to be Melamaid Zchus on homosexuals!!!! It’s time we stop speaking about uniting all Jews together when we are including the Gay Jews with the Orthodox Jews. The Synagogue Shooting Occurred During Bris for Gay Couple’s Twins R”L וְאִישׁ, אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁכַּב אֶת-זָכָר מִשְׁכְּבֵי אִשָּׁה–תּוֹעֵבָה עָשׂוּ, שְׁנֵיהֶם; מוֹת יוּמָתוּ, דְּמֵיהֶם בָּם

        The Chazon Ish and Rav Eliyashev among others are of the Halachic opinion that they are not in the category of a “Tinuk She’nishbu”.

        And the lord swiped the abomination taking place on the holy Shabbat of the destruction of Sodom & Aemorah at the Bris in the LGBT Temple in Pittsburgh. Was the baby even Jewish? Was the Bris on TIME? or was it Chilul Shabbos being Shelo Bizmano, was there Priah etc. They would do a Bris on Saturday just for the convenience in either case. That entire Temple is a Rainbow LGWT liberals.
        They brought the Greatest flood in the world in the days of Noah, that destroyed mankind and all other living beings.

        They may have died Al Kiddush Hashem for being Jews. But we still don’t bury a Mechalal Shabbos in our cemetary, – they are not our brothers, in life or in death. No, we do not have to Daven for them in Acheinu Kol Bais Yisroel as the Vaad in Lakewood suggested.

      • Throwing Torah values out the window? Like which for example? I don’t know what you have written in your torah? But the values of God’s Torah start with achdus. What hallel responded when he was asked for the Torah in a nutshell was מאי דעלך סאני לחברך לא תעביד what you don’t want for you don’t do s/o else in other words Achdus. In Rabbi Akivahs own words: ואהבת לרעך כמוך “זה כלל גדול בתורה # כלל גדול בתורה first study the Torah and then come back and tell me what the values are. It’s all written in black and white.

        • There are those who claim that the mitzvah of settling the Land of Israel is equal to all the mitzvot of the Torah and you claim that ahavas yisrael is it. So which one encompasses all the mitzvos, according to you – Ve’ahavta lere’acha kamocha or yishuv Eretz Yisrael?
          The answer, you need to go back to yeshiva and have the Rosh Yeshiva explain them to you.

    • Well my good sir.

      A few corrections/thoughts on your comment, respectfully.

      1) what does reform have to do with this ?
      Yes he mentioned it in passing as it doesn’t make a difference who these people are. However in essence it was a conservative synagogue not reform.
      In addition….
      2) When one speaks of the living. Well, perhaps yes they (reform) are mechalil Shabbos Be’farhesya. Whereas conservatives not necessarily.
      3) We are talking about people that passed referring to their Neshomo not their Guf. A Neshomo is always Holy not scathed by what a guf does. Yes that Neshomo that dies Al Kiddush Hashem is indeed very holy. No question asked.

      The history of Reform as you mentioned has absolutely nothing to do with what Groner is talking about. Please relisten to the clip.

      Bless you sir. May you accept all Jews (born from a Jewish mother). As one of us. Despite what the guf does. I don’t think it (you) would be acceptable in alkaline Yosroel if we honestly knew the mishaps of your Guf. We are human weall ness up. Don’t ever judge others till you stand in their shoes.

      Every Jew born to a Jewish mother has a soul which is part and essence of HB”H we all come from that same essence. Pushing away another Jew in actuality means we push ourselves away.

      Bless you sir. May we know our essence and cherish it every breathing moment.

      • Yankel Feffer –

        I don’t know if you are in a time warp or what, but “Conservative” is not so different than Reform. There is a saying along the lines of that Conservative does today what Reform did twenty years ago.

        They are both assur and treif.

    • What? Do you think your the only one who knows the history of reform?
      Do you have any reason to think the rabbi doesn’t know the history of reform? Just because you don’t agree with something doesn’t mean that it’s the other person’s lack of understanding it could be your own lack of understanding. If you were driving without the wrong way on the highway you probably also claimed that everyone else is driving the wrong way and you’re driving the right way?

  3. Very painful to see 11 wooden figures in the shape of a tzelem (a cross), it’s front covered with a star and the name of each victim in a heart on top of the star.

    • Seriously? That’s what’s painful? What’s painful is that 11 Jewish people were gunned down for no other reason than for committing the crime of being Jewish.
      Never mind thier monument, If you honestly cared about that than go down and convince them to change it.

      • Yes, 11 Jews were killed al kiddush Hashem. No doubt about it. However, wasn’t being massacred heartbreaking enough? Do we need additional heartache upon seeing more desecration? Not everyone is in the position to physically to go down and convince them to change it. But why is it that YOU don’t feel the spark of sadness about this added blasphemy?

  4. Who is the speaker? Is he affiliated with a Yeshiva? It would be very beneficial to identify your speakers for those of us who are sort of out of the loop.

  5. While I agree with Rabbi Groner’s overall message I take a umbrage to his calling the conservative temple “shul” and what they were doing there “davening”. That has nothing to do with his message. This was indeed a tragedy for גאנץ כלל ישראל and those murdered because they were Jews are indeed קדושים and of course all אידין are בני אברהם יצחק ויעקב no matter their level of observance or total lack thereof and we are not judging them for their observance (many are sincere people misled by their clergy) But please do not blur the clear lines made by our גדולי ישראל a generation ago that what the conservative/reform movements stand for is not authentic yiddishkeit. The tragedy would be the same if a group of Jews were in a disco club and were murdered only because they were Jews.

    • Who are you to agree or disagree?
      If a Rosh Yeshiva says something than it’s not your place to through in an opinion. And if you feel that there was some sort of hashkafic error than consult your personal rav and ask him for his opinion instead of trying to throw dirt.

  6. This Rabbi Groner says ut so well! We say during the Yomim Noraim, ויעשו כולם אגודה אחת – let’s all join TOGETHER and then לעשות רצונך בלבב שלם. We cannot do part 2 until we accomplish part 1!
    Haman succeeded in getting the edict to annihilate the Jews because the Yidden, he said, were מפוזר ומפורד: untied and not united. If we unite we could accomplish much. We could get those nebech less affiliated to see the light of Torah and mitzvos.

    • So I hope you’ll lead by example and daven with your kids in a Chassidishe shteeple this Shabbos. Your wife should join a lecture in a Young Israel as well.

  7. Who is this rabbi is he a spokesman for klall yisroel is he an authority to say his opinions or he was one those looking for attention and using this opportunity to cash in why do these so called rabbonim feel an obligation to educate us we know probably more than him speak to your Kahila and stop making recorded press conferences that no is interested in ouch me ah bal dovor !!!

    • Don’t you think a question like that sounds foolish when your talking about someone with 200 guys in his yeshiva? Someone who has over 25,000 subscribers to his daily emails? Someone who has leading Rabbi’s working together with him in his gigantic email program? Among them Rabbi David Ashear and Rabbi Pesach Krohn?
      Especially that it’s coming from a matziv.com commenter who one can imagine is not a highly esteemed rabbi themself if they have the time to sit here trying to knock people.

  8. To Rabbi Groner,
    Rav Avigdor Miller, OB”M says “It’s Ossur to vote for the liberal democrats”.They are the snake of Satan. I am sorry to say but I’m NOT impressed with you so called Achudas Speach. It’s wrong time, wrong place, wrong Al Pe Torah. It’s shameful that you are not educated by the Torah laws. You are not using a Jewish approach to the Gays… Rav Nachman of Breslov zt”l said that it is OSSUR to be Melamaid Zchus on homosexuals!!!! It’s time we stop speaking about uniting all Jews together when we are including the Gay Jews with the Orthodox Jews. The Synagogue Shooting Occurred During Bris for Gay Couple’s Twins R”L וְאִישׁ, אֲשֶׁר יִשְׁכַּב אֶת-זָכָר מִשְׁכְּבֵי אִשָּׁה–תּוֹעֵבָה עָשׂוּ, שְׁנֵיהֶם; מוֹת יוּמָתוּ, דְּמֵיהֶם בָּם

    The Chazon Ish and Rav Eliyashev among others are of the Halachic opinion that they are not in the category of a “Tinuk She’nishbu”.

    And the lord swiped the abomination taking place on the holy Shabbat of the destruction of Sodom & Aemorah at the Bris in the LGBT Temple in Pittsburgh. Was the baby even Jewish? Was the Bris on TIME? or was it Chilul Shabbos being Shelo Bizmano, was there Priah etc. They would do a Bris on Saturday just for the convenience in either case. That entire Temple is a Rainbow LGWT liberals.
    They brought the Greatest flood in the world in the days of Noah, that destroyed mankind and all other living beings.

    They may have died Al Kiddush Hashem for being Jews. But we still don’t bury a Mechalal Shabbos in our cemetary, – they are not our brothers, in life or in death. No, we do not have to Daven for them in Acheinu Kol Bais Yisroel as the Vaad in Lakewood suggested..

  9. The Rabbi said we don’t understand, can’t judge, and cited the words of the posuk הנסתרות לה’ אלקינו.

    But the same posuk continues והנגלות לנו ולבנינו, the revealed teachings are for us and our children.

    And the niglah teaches us that toeivah, kivayachol, makes Hashem mad. And it teaches us not to be misgareh ba’umos.

    And a Temple where they have “services” on “Shabbat”, but also wantonly violate fundamentals of the faith, is not a Shul, and is a place of sakanah, because they have driven G-d away.

    Let there be no mistake about that.

    • So you’re pretty much saying that you know all of God’s calculations because of what you know about these people? Is there by any chance more that might go into the picture? If you can tell me with all certainty what God loves or hates based on a few basic clues that you have than what is the definition of ‘הנסתרות לה? Your back to square one

  10. We don’t separate from them?

    So will R. Groner attend services at his local Conservative/Reconstructionist Temple this weekend?

    I don’t think so.

  11. Rabbi Groner is an esteemed Rosh Yeshiva of the well known Ateres Shimon Yeshiva in Far Rockaway. He’s a Talmud Chochum par excellence. This video was likely for his massive following and I’m sure he would greet all commentators warmly and sit you down and profusely apologize if he thought you were Chas Vishalom offended in any way by his words.

    Everyone commenting is of course entitled to their opinion.

    The very fact that we have conflicting opinions and approaches from various levels of Rabannus shows that our nation is alive and well, vibrant, and vocal and clearly we all feel so strongly about our beliefs, Mesorah and Derech, and most certainly do not shy away from expressing our earnest (maybe a bit too sharp edged and barbed) opinions. But very Yiddish indeed!

    For anyone who knows Rabbi Groner, of course when he talks about achieving Achdus he does not mean to walk to your closest conservative Shul this shabbos for Tefillos – What he is saying is, the feelings that we can empathize towards their community, and the unity amongst our own community can be strengthened and we can express Yidisheh solidarity with our fellow Jews who were killed by a gunman who did not differentiate between your nusach and their nusach, your level of observance or theirs, or your Yidisheh soul or theirs.

  12. R’ Mordecai,
    Es Asher sonah H’ esnah. I am not referring to those that were killed al kiddush Shem Shamayim. However to make a broad statement that we should express love for those who Hashem hates is wrong! Please discuss with Dass Torah and pen a retraction.

    • So you’re pretty much saying that you know all of God’s calculations because of what you know about these people? Is there by any chance more that might go into the picture? If you can tell me with all certainty what God loves or hates based on a few basic clues that you have than what is the definition of ‘הנסתרות לה? Your back to square one

    • How can you say Hashem hates them anymore at this point if chazal tell us that Once someone dies al kiddush Hashem, they go straight up, nothing can stand in the way of thier neshama, and that they get a full kaparah?

  13. To this great rabbi.
    Your message was spot on!
    All those holy nay sayers are afraid to take the real message that hashem is sending us,,,,,,
    RABBI thank you for…..
    Thank u for this.
    I wish u all to be well in ur future endeavors.
    Hatzlacha rabbi.
    May hashem be with you and ur amazing yeshiva.
    Hatzlacha rabba.

  14. Thank you Rabbi Groner for voicing what needed to be said. And thanks as well for the non stop, around the clock relentless efforts of chessed you don, a lot of which is done quietly with not many people knowing about it. May Hashem give you loads of Koach to keep on serving him and doing so much chessed to his children with love the way you do.

  15. I have the zchus to know Rabbi Groner Shlitta personally and he is a tzaddik and talmid chacham who is a true light in our dark gallus. Anyone who has written against him and his words of emes should make sure to ask mechillah before Yom Kippur. It is truly so sad to read words of individuals on this site that clearly don’t understand Ahavas Yisrael one drop. Although one may not agree with the actions of another Yid, it does not mean he can’t love him and feel pain at the loss of members of Klal Israel who perished because they were hidden as did the 6 million Kadoshim. Shame on any chevrah who doesn’t understand this .

  16. I sit here with tears as I read what has been written. Is it possible that we have completely been so far removed from the possibility that one can actually love every Yid?
    If there is one Rabbi who actually speaks publicly about loving a yid with no strings attached he gets knocked in a public forum?
    I am not saying all the past Gedolim quoted are Chas VShalom wrong. Of course we have to be careful how we interact with them.
    HOWEVER I think I can safely say (based on many shiurim I have heard and maasim from these gedolim listed as well as many others), that we still have to LOVE and care about every single YID!
    Rabbi Groner,
    I am looking forward to hearing more about your Yeshivah and what you do as it is clear you love YIDDEN without any string attached.
    One who cries for klal Yisroel to stop our Sinas Chinam

  17. KOL HAKAVOD TO YOU! You said it so eloquently. Each and every word tzum zach, with the last paragraph the maka bepatish. These are the speeches we need to hear in these trying times where lawlessness is so rampant even among Jews who consider themselves religious.

    Anonymous 4:55, you’re the winner of Matzav’s posts today. It’s so well written that I needed to read it more than once and then saved it to forward to others.

  18. Okay. So I’m going to invite a Maharat and her wife to my Shabbos table this week. I’m going to daven in the Women of the Wall’s Minyan the next time I go to the Kosel. When we go travelling, I’ll have my wife uncover her hair so as not to chas vishalom embarrass those who are tinok shenishba and don’t cover their hair. The message I’m hearing is love love love. Ahavat Yitrael.

  19. Rabbi Groner is a choshuve Yid, marbitz Torah, etc., but he is not the gadol hador.

    In his zeal for ahavas Yisroel and achdus, it seems that he went too far here.

    The Torah has rules, and we can’t just say to ignore them for reasons of ‘love’ and ‘achdus’. Anyway, such love and achdus is phony. If you love your friend, you tell him when he is wrong, you don’t just flatter him and tell him that he is great when he is being an giant avaryan.

  20. To ”so sad” and the others who feel the same way
    Please read the אור החיים on the פסוק ”ואהבת לרעך כמך ”
    I quote it in full for you.
    Pay close attention to the end of his פירוש as that is what most pertains to this discussion
    לא תקום וגו’. רז”ל (תו”כ כאן יומא כג.) אמרו נקימה הוא שעושה לו כמעשהו הרע נטירה שלא יאמר לו לא אעשה לך כמעשיך. וכפ”ז נתן טעם הכתוב למצוה זו בסמיכות ואהבת לרעך כמוך, פירוש כי ה’ חפץ שתהיה אוהב רעך כמוך ואם אתה אומר לו כן הרי גלית דעתך כי טמון היה בלבך מעשהו בלתי הגון לך, ונתן טעם לדבר אני ה’, פירוש על דרך אומרם (זוהר ח”ג טז) שבאמצעות יחוד הלבבות מתייחד שמו יתברך להיות שכנסת ישראל הם ענפי שם הוי”ה ב”ה דכתיב (דברים לב) כי חלק ה’ עמו, ונתחכם ה’ לצוות בענין הנהגת ישראל זע”ז בהדרגה. מצוה א’ לא תשנא. ב’ לא תקום וגו’. ג’ ואהבת,

    ודקדק לומר, אחיך, עמך, לומר שאין מצוה אלא על אנשים שעושים מעשה עמך, אבל שונאי ה’ כגון המומרים והאפיקורסים אסור לאהוב אותם ואדרבה צריך לשנאותם, כאומר (תהלים קלט) הלא משנאיך ה’ אשנא:

    I made a paragraph break to find it easier.
    It is forbidden to love them.
    Not you don’t have to
    Not it’s OK either way.
    No. It is forbidden. Period.
    If you don’t like that you can go join the conservative movement yourself.
    Please find me one ראשון or classic אחרון who says it’s OK to love such people.
    There are many more that say it’s forbidden. I quoted the אור החיים as he is a classic and more importantly is on the page in most commonly available מק”ג חומשים.
    By the way can someone give me the URL to find speeches exhorting up to love and be דן לכף זכות the peleg protesters?
    Or is all the lovey stuff only applicable to Jews who trample on the Torah wholesale???
    To paraphrase חז”ל
    כל המרחם על האכזרי לסוף מתאכזר במקום שמרים לרחם

  21. As Shlomo Carlebach once said, “If he is Jew enough for the Nazi’s to hate him, he is Jew enough for me to love him”. And the Nazi’s killed every single Jew they could even going back 4 generations of Jews who converted to Christianity. Rabbi Groner equally loves every single Jew even if their commitment to Judaism isn’t on the same level as his. Shouldn’t we all?

  22. To avi s
    You proved the point beautifully
    Hitler killed ”Jews ” who were not even remotely Jewish.
    You are advocating putting them under one umbrella of love together with Jews.
    That’s exactly the point
    There is a Torah commandment to love Jews.
    As explained in the אור החיים I quoted that does not extend to Jewish sinners over a certain threshold.
    Your advocating loving anyone remotely associated with the word Jew.
    That is not a Torah commandment. As a matter of fact, it itself is a sin, and I proudly want no part in it

  23. Being that most of all commentators agree to Rabbi Groner that this was a tragedy on all of klall Yisrael…don’t we need to stop wasting time focusing on who Rabbi Groner is or what was wrong or right with what he said and start seeing the message Hashem is sending to each and everyone of us?? We are missing the boat!! We are getting sidetracked with such foolish things! If we would be real kanoyim we wouldn’t be wasting time on matzav.com!! Yes they were all those things mentioned above…so Hashem’s message to THEM is that he is upset with there doings. Hashem’s message to US is most certainly not that he is upset with them..as you so well quoted the Pasuk in the Torah about mishkav zocher…Hashem is sending US a message stop and think what it may be…..good luck.

  24. Enough already with all the Rosh Yeshivas weighing in on this! how many children roam the streets! look in your own backyard for achdus Rosh Yeshivas!

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