Video: Rabbi Aryeh Zev Ginzberg Returns Homes from the Hospital

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Rabbi Aryeh Zev Ginzberg, rov of the Chofetz Chaim Torah Center of Cedarhurst and the founding rov of Ohr Moshe Torah Institute in Hillcrest, Queens, returned home today from the hospital after being hospitalized for weeks with the coronavirus.

Rabbi Ginzberg’s condition had taken a turn for the worse, his kidneys are failing, and he was in critical condition at several points.

Klal Yisroel had been davening for Chaim Aryeh Zev ben Aidel, and boruch Hashem he has returned home.

The Ginsberg family shared the following message with

הודו לה כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו

We are so filled with gratitude to be able to share with you that Rabbi Chaim Aryeh Zev Ginzberg was discharged from the hospital this evening. It is so clear to us how all of your nonstop tefillos have brought about this tremendous נס and we can never possibly thank you enough. You stormed shamayim and brought our husband, father and zaidy home to us.

Although he is returning home to round the clock care and a full rehab setting, we know that your continued tefillos are what will help him on the long road he still has ahead to a complete recovery. 

We ask you to keep davening for him and may all our tefillos bring רפואות וישועות to all חולי ישראל.

With all our hearts,
The Ginzberg family





  1. Chasdei Hashem Ki lo somnu ki lo cholu rachamav. I’m crying.
    Thank You Hashem! Thank You Hashem! THank You Hashem!!!!!

  2. Chasdei Hashem Ki Lo Somnu Ki lo cholu Rachamav.
    Im crying tears of joy.
    Thank You Hashem!!! Thank You Hashem!!! THank You Hashem!!!

  3. “Dude”- He is acknowledging Hashem who saved his life, and in the process he is imparting to all the people around him how a Jew CLINGS to the Torah!

    Instead of trying to learn from Talmidei Chachamim who are the pride and joy and the light of Klal Yisrael, that lesson is unfortunately lost on you.

    Why? Because you choose to look to criticize those whose lofty level you don’t understand, instead of trying to learn from them.

  4. Before you ask why Rav Ginsberg was learning as he returned home, I suggest learning why Yaakov Avinu said Kriyas Shema when greeting Yosef Hatzadik.

  5. Rebbetzin Hockstein: “Before you ask why Rav Ginsberg was learning as he returned home, I suggest learning why Yaakov Avinu said Kriyas Shema when greeting Yosef Hatzadik.”

    Great point Rebbetzin!

    So why didn’t R. Ginzberg shlit”a say krias Shema? Teirutz – maybe it was after zman krias shema. Or was it after zman krias Shema of the Magen Avraham, and not the GR”A?

    Anyone know what time the video was taken?

    Or maybe the inyan is somewhat different.

  6. Baruch Hashem a thousand times. We were and are davaning for a refuah sheleima amongst all cholei klal yisrael. May the Ginsberg family’s many zechuyos stand up for them!

  7. i’m so relieved that he is home and on the road to recovery. thank you hashem, i was so worried. may everyone come home healthy

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