Rabbi Eliezer Tzvi Handelsman z”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rabbi Eliezer Tzvi Handelsman z”l of Los Angeles. He was 62.

Reb Leizer, as he was known, was a son of Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Handelsman of Brooklyn. In his youth, he learned at Yeshiva of Philadelphia, Mirrer Yeshiva, South Fallsburg, and under Rav Moshe Eisemann in Vineland and later Rav Berel Soloveitchik in Yeshivas Brisk in Yerushalayim.

He ultimately settled in Los Angeles, where he served as a rebbi for many years, teaching Torah and the beauty of Yiddishkeit with his trademark smile, good cheer, simchas chachaim, and boundless ahavas Yisroel.

He is survived by his children, R’ Menachem Handelsman, R’ Reuven Handelsman, and R’ Yaakov Handelsman, and his siblings, Rav Michel Handelsman, Mrs. Feige Borchardt and Mrs. Yitty Shternbuch.

The levayah was held this afternoon at Kollel Yechiel Yehudah, the Chassidishe Kollel, in Los Angeles. Another levayah will be held tomorrow at noon at the Congregation Sons of Israel Holocaust Memorial Chapel, located at 613 Ramsey Avenue, in Lakewood NJ, followed by kevurah in the adjacent bais hachaim.

Yehi zichro boruch.



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