Rabbonim Oversee Reconciliations Between Crime Gangs

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Two major rival criminal organizations led by Amos Lavie and Eyal Nagar met for a reconciliation (sulcha) ceremony in the city of Yehud overseen by Rav Meir Malol of Petach Tikvah.

Replete with tefillos, Tehillim and sifrei Torah, the meeting marked the end of a long and violent war with many assassinations and casualties on both sides.

Earlier, the mekubal Rav Dov Kook of Teveriah oversaw a conciliation ceremony between these crime leaders, Eyal Nagar and Amos Lavie.

A similar reconciliation took place in the presence of Rav Nitzan Reuven of Cholon who heads the Ahavas Shalom institutions, between two feuding criminal groups led the Ksantini and Kachlon brothers.

{Matzav.com Israel}



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