Rachmastrivka Rebbe to Undergo Procedure Today

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The Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Boro Park is set to undergo a medical procedure this morning, and all are asked to stop for a moment and daven for his refuah sheleimah. The Rebbe has been battling various ailments and immense weakness.

The Rebbe is slated to return home after the procedure.

The Rebbe, Rav Chai Yitzchok Eizik Twersky, is a son of the previous Rachamstrivka Rebbe, Rav Yochanan Twersky, and a son-in-law of Rav Yaakov Yosef Twersky of Skver.

His nephew, Rav Dovid Twersky, is the Rachmastrivka Rebbe of Yerushalayim, a son of the Rebbe’s brother, Rav Yisroel Mordechai.

All are asked to daven for Chai Yitzchok Eizik ben Rivkah.




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