Rain Falls At Summit Of Greenland Ice Sheet For First Time In Recorded History

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Rain fell on the highest point of Greenland’s Ice Sheet, known as the Summit, for the first time in recorded history on Saturday. It was the latest anomaly in a series of heatwaves and melting events in the territory this summer that are linked to human-driven climate change.

Precipitation is not unusual at Greenland’s Summit, but it has taken the form of snow, not rain, since record-keeping began in 1950. But on August 14, it rained for several hours at the ice sheet’s zenith, which is located about 3,216 meters (10,551 feet) above sea level, according to the National Snow & Ice Data Center (NSIDC), a polar research center managed by the University of Colorado Boulder.

“There is no previous report of rainfall at this location,” according to the NSIDC.

Read more at Vice.




  1. First the blue moon, now this? Prepare for the for the final battle. This is it. Arm yourselves. Each man for himself.

  2. The heading states “in recorded history”, the article itself states “record keeping began in 1950”. 71 years is not long enough of a sample. MAYBE it does rain in that area of Greenland every 75 years or so?!


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