Ramat Bet Shemesh: Rabbonim and Doctors Say There’s Halachic Obligation to Vaccinate

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  1. What’s the purpose of these articles? No anti-vaxxers have changed their minds and risked their children’s health H”y since these articles started rolling here. If anything, more vaxxers are climbing the bandwagon of the vaccine cautious parents.

  2. Anyone that doesn’t get their vaccinations is a rasha mirusha rodef who will suffer a misa mishuna and has no cheleck in olam haba.

  3. This is more fake news. Rav Kanievsky made a p’sak that schools are forbidden to disallow unvaccinated students to attend school. This is just more fear-mongearing and the uninformed are taking the bait. People, do your own research.

  4. @Mig – “Rav Kanievsky made a p’sak that schools are forbidden to disallow unvaccinated students to attend school.”

    Actually, that statement is very misleading. It was said to one family regarding a case many years ago and concerning a vaccine whose reliability was less than well proven. More recently, Rav Chaim has said very clearly, due to different circumstances, that one must vaccinate and schools may refuse to of students who are not vaccinated.

  5. Please could all the doctors and Rabbonim that signed the Kol Koreh disclose how many hours they have each spent researching the safety and efficacy of vaccines.

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