Rav Gershon: Chalila to Waste Time During Chanukah

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A special letter written by Rav Gershon Edelstein, Rosh Yeshivas Ponovezh, and signed by other gedolim, call for chizuk and reinforcement during the holy days of Chanukah.

The gedolim exhort people not to slacken off in their Torah learning, and not to waste precious time for events that are not appropriate for a ben Torah.

“It is a time that is most auspicious, more than the rest of the year, for hatzlacha in Torah and mitzvos,” the letter said.

Rav Edelstein added, “And since on Chanukah, the salvation was that the decree not to engage in Torah was canceled, there is a greater obligation to engage in Torah.”

{Matzav.com Israel}



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