Rav Gershon Ribner: Sequel – Roshei Yeshiva Who Fear Jeopardizing Their Relationship With Brisk

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  1. I’m curious to know if Matzav is being paid to post these recordings on their website. Is the opinion of Rabbi Ribner posted under the umbrella of news? Or perhaps Rabbi Ribner is the “Nasi” of Matzav and that is the reason.
    It seems odd that what happens to be on this particular Rav’s mind is more newsworthy than all the other many Rabbanim who Shtel their unique Daas Torah perspective. Genuinely curious.

    • He is considered a mostly mainstream Rabbi but unabashedly takes positions that many consider controversial.
      Since many people who share these and similar opinions are not willing to take a stand they live vicariously through his boldness.

      I’m not taking a position on any of the topics, just explaining why his speeches bring lots of clicks for matzav.com

  2. Important to keep in mind the following:

    Rav Shimon Schwab ZT”L (Selected Essays, page 144):

    “While we do not insist that only “Torah Giants” come forth from our great yeshivos, we are certainly not anxious to put up with any “Torah dwarfs” either. By this we mean the overly inflated semi-scholar, whose knowledge of Neviim and Kesuvim is nil and whose acquaintance with Shisha Sidrei Mishna is pitiful. These individuals are only vaguely familiar with halachah and aggadah, and their encounter with hashkafah literature is confined to two or three books. Sadly enough, some of these people become self-styled experts on daas Torah today.”

  3. Rav Shimon Schwab ZT”L (Selected Essays, page 144):

    “While we do not insist that only “Torah Giants” come forth from our great yeshivos, we are certainly not anxious to put up with any “Torah dwarfs” either. By this we mean the overly inflated semi-scholar, whose knowledge of Neviim and Kesuvim is nil and whose acquaintance with Shisha Sidrei Mishna is pitiful. These individuals are only vaguely familiar with halachah and aggadah, and their encounter with hashkafah literature is confined to two or three books. Sadly enough, some of these people become self-styled experts on daas Torah today.”

  4. Rav Ribner’s idea is that if Rav Avrohom Yehoshua makes a policy of not accepting American bochurim then no other rosh yeshiva would “dare” go on still accepting American bochurim. However the problem is an American one so the responsibility to address it should lie with the American roshie yeshiva to force this to change. They can do so very easily by making a taknah that they will not accept bochurim who were learning in EY beyond a certain age and no rosh yeshiva would dare go against it. It is not Reb AY responsibility to make a rule that will severely damage his yeshiva, and as a result all other similar yeshvohs, or to prevent bochurim from learning the torah he has to give that benefits talmidim for the rest of their lives.

  5. Reb Gershon is onto something but he’s unfortunately missing the mark – he is correct that there is much that can and must be done to alleviate this horrible situation and it is unforgivable not to take action while we stand by and suffer but he’s missing the mark on who it is that can easily fix it!!! The bmg freezer needs to be absolved and it will have an immediate positive impact!!!! Reb Gershon – use your bully pulpit to convince BMG that they can and must do what’s right!!!

  6. Why is he taking 2 sides of the coin? To keep saying how great r ay is sounds like a way to play it safe. Don’t say you trust him so many times, but then keep saying you don’t indirectly and how it’s his huge pending decision to make now. If you qualify to say you doubt him the way he holds now, then also say your opinion straight out. Don’t dance around it.

    Why don’t you write him a letter if you feel like this? If you can’t do that then why is it so important to express this?

    PS – I heard from a senior rosh yeshiva who was at that meeting that not one person felt the boys should get married younger, besides the novominsker rebbe.

    (If the American rosh yeshivas hold their students should go learn after Bais Medrash, it won’t help if r ay doesn’t accept. They’d learn elsewhere.)

  7. Aha. The entire Torah world revolves around Rav Avraham Yehoshua’s Yeshiva. I hear. So I guess the 4 of my boys that B,”H went to Mir Yerushalayim and were in Rav Asher’s shiur, are considered loh yutzlach’s. I hear. Talk about elitism and disconnect. So, if you “get in” to Rav A.Y. – you get the best shidduch and get straight into gan eden. If you don’t “get in” – you only get the 2nd rate shidduch and go to…. Interesting.
    Btw, Rav Malkiel shlita’s eidim, didn’t even go to Eretz Yisroel. Gasp!

  8. I think the debate is outstanding, even if is presented only in clips. When I was a little shtinker 70 years ago, I asked my Rebbe (whose tzidqus still makes me float), if Torah she-b-al-peh is such a definitive belief, why is there such makhaloqes. For the next 10 shiurim, he only discussed this issue. His untershiur was: it means the LIVING Torah, that must be constantly and actively perpetuated, by living, dynamic mind and spirits — and, most importantly, with humble, seeking spirit. I think I understand why the Rabim are so guarded on this sigificant issue. It is a guarded, mature, devout stance. AND, with the caveat: ‘ad shetig’is ad mqomo.” I hope none of all this is what some used to call “Purim torah”, but, I guess, better today than on Simkhath Torah, R”L R”L R”L.

  9. this conversation is nauseating
    brisk or ant yeshiva does not make the bachur
    either hes a menschh and a yorei shomiam or not

    • But limaaseh, good grades by a boy or girl, definitely helps one get that top tiered shidduch, this avoiding the alleged shidduch crisis.

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