Rav Yehuda Michoel Meisels zt”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rav Yehuda Michoel Meisels zt”l, dean and president of Beth Jacob Sara Schenirer High School and Teachers Seminary in Boro Park.

Rav Meisels was a pioneering trailblazer in the field of chinuch habanos, leading Sara Schenirer with distinction and founding the Seminar Seminary in Yerushalayim.

Rav Meisels, in his youth, studied at Telshe Yeshiva in Cleveland, under the roshei yeshiva, Rav Elya Meir Bloch and Rav Mottel Katz, standing out as one of the elite talmidim of the yeshiva. He later served as a R”M in the mechinah of the yeshiva. 

In 1960, she married his wife, Hennie, daughter of the legendary Reb Elimelech (Mike) Tress zt”l, the famed Agudah and Hatzolah leader, and Mrs. Hinda Tress a”h.

In 1970, Rav Meisels assumed the position of principal at Sara Schenirer High School in Boro Park and worked to turn Sara Schenirer into a forerunner of many other institutions in chinuch habanos.

Founded in 1967, Sara Schenirer Seminary has been training teachers for half a century. Thousands of bnos Yisroel have gone on to serve as mothers, educators, and leaders in the Jewish community and beyond thanks to Sara Schenirer’s chinuch b’derech Yisroel saba.

In 1985, under the leadership of Rav Meisels, the seminary added courses to train future teachers in the field of special education. This was a relatively new field at the time and Rav Meisels hoped that with this specialized training, many more children would be reached and impacted for life. Soon the option to earn a degree in Special Education through a partner college was added and the program took on a life of its own.

His wife, Rebbetzin Hennie a”h, passed away 4 years ago.

Rav Meisels is survived by his children, Rabbi Zev Meisels, Rabbi Elimelech Gavriel Meisels, Rabbi Elazar Meisels, Rabbi Gershon Meisels, Mrs Rochel Slanger, Mrs Chana Flam, Mrs. Shulamis Rosenberg, Mrs. Esther Rivkah Nekritz, Mrs. Shoshanah Jaegar and Mrs. Basie Flaumenhaft; and grandchildren and great-grandchildren following in his ways.

Yehi zichrah boruch.

The levayah will be held today at 5:30 p.m.:

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  1. BD”E: We mourn the passing of our dear principal, Rabbi Michoel Meisels ob”m.

    A bit of history: the Sarah Schenirer High School and Teachers Seminary was founded by a small group of dedicated and undaunted parents dedicated to provide their daughters with premium Torah true, pure Jewish education. The small but brave committee, headed by R’ Sholom Stern and R’ Yankel Klausner, hired Rabbi Nachman Bulman and Rabbi Eliyahu Glucksman ob”m as principals. The riveting history of the founding of Sarah Schenirer has yet to be told.

  2. Rav Michoel zatzal was a pioneer of Torah in many ways. He was a Kollel yungerman when that was a rare phenomenon, he singlehandedly built mosdos in America and Eretz Yisroel, he started truly Torahdik training programs well before the Olam even knew there was a need for them, and he built a beautiful chashuve house of Chessed that continues through the Doros.
    All together with his wonderful Rebbetzin Henie ob”m
    The two of them were possessed of so much talent and ability that they could have been and done anything; However they chose to excel in Avodas Hashem, and the world is a much better place for it.
    Yehi Zichram Baruch

    • You have brought tears to my eyes! I simply cannot believe they have both left us. I will never forget them. And, yes, they made my world a much better place.

  3. Rabbi Meisels was an amazing person – he was my principal in Sarah Schnirer high school – his demeanor was always gentle and
    he was kind with all his students.
    May he be a mailitz yosher to all Klal Yisrael

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