Rav Mordechai Moskowitz zt”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the petirah of Rav Mordechai Shmuel Moskowitz zt”l, longtime rebbi at the Lakewood Cheder in Lakewood, NJ. He was 67 years old.

Rav Moskowitz, in addition to being a veteran mechanech and beloved talmid chochom in Lakewood, was the leader of the bi-annual Chol Hamoed Greater Adventure learning program, held each Sukkos and Pesach at Ateres Chana Hall at Bais Faiga in Lakewood, drawing thousands of boys, who begin their Chol Hamoed day with Torah learning. This brainchild of Rav Moskowitz is credited with tens of thousands of hours of limud haTorah.

Rav Moskowitz recently suffered a heart attack and underwent a triple bypass surgery. He passed away this morning.

Rav Moskowitz is survived by his wife, Mrs. Esther Moskowitz, and his children and grandchildren.

The levayah will take place this afternoon, at 1:30 p.m., at the Lakewood Cheder, located at 725 Vassar Avenue in Lakewood, NJ, followed by kevurah at the Lakewood Bais Hachaim off of East 7th Street.

The family will be sitting shivah at 60 12th Street, between Monmouth and Princeton Avenues, in Lakewood. Live audio hookup: 732-839-3003 Conference ID: 776-382-8466#

Yehi zichro boruch.




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