Rav Yitzchok Berkovits: The Three “C’s”: How A Yid Responds to COVID on Chanuka

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Join NOW: SUNDAY Chanuka 12 PM EST – EITAN KATZ UNITY CONCERT- OVERLOOKING HAR HABAYIS!  a moving prelude with the Aish Yeshiva Band w/ breathtaking view of the holiest place on Earth singing hope celebration and faith with a stirring song composed in quarantine 

GoBidud unites the Jewish People through Kindness; connecting volunteers across the globe to provide a myriad of physical, emotional, financial & functional help for thousands of people & families deeply affected during the pandemic and other crises.

While we can’t hold hands & dance; we can hold each other’s hearts in harmony. 


Chanuka Sameach!

 Kindness is more contagious than COVID– it transcends social distancing! (Rabbi Yosef Y. Ettlinger CEO/GoBidud)

 Concert goals:

1.    To advance global unity of the Jewish People through Kindness

2.    To enable Go Bidud to continue to help families impacted by Covid-19 and bidud (quarantine)

3.    To Kick off the newest division Go-Idud the Crisis Response Division

4.    To show support for the elderly and lonely population – for $100; your loved one will receive a mention on the screen and a certificate that you thought of him/her this Chanuka CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP

Help thousands of Jews all over the world feel the enjoyment of Chanukah from the warmest place on earth – during such pressuring and hard times.

Your significant donation will further the unity of the Jewish people in a significant way!

Endorsed by Rav Yitzchok Berkovits & Rav Zev Leff


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