Re-Elected Florida Governor Ron Desantis Sends A Message To The Kosel

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Just days after taking his second oath of office, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent a note to be placed at the Kosel in Yerushalayim with prayers for his state.

Rabbi Schneur Oirechman, a Chabad emissary in Tallahassee, Fla., paid a visit to the Kosel and read the note that DeSantis gave him. Rabbi Oirechman then placed the note in the wall.

“Heavenly Father, Gov. DeSantis and I pray that you look over our great state of Florida, protect us and keep us safe from storms and other disasters. Protect all your people and give them strength to stand firm in their faith,” stated the note, signed by DeSantis’s Chief of Staff James Uthmeier.

Rabbi Oirechman commended the governor for his efforts to combat antisemitism and his support for Israel.

“The governor appreciated these words and re-emphasized his commitment to Israel and the Jewish people,” Rabbi Oirechman said. JNS



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