Rep. Santos: ‘I’m Human,’ Judge Me on Actions

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Rep. George Santos, R-N.Y., who has been under fire for multiple misrepresentations on his resume and in his personal life, tells Newsmax that he owns up to his “mistakes” and wants to move forward. Many in Washington aren’t quite ready to do that, however, Santos lamented during an appearance Thursday on “Greg Kelly Reports.”

“I’m human; I’ve made mistakes,” Santos told Kelly via satellite from the House Rotunda. “I’ve made peace with those mistakes, and I’ve come clean on those mistakes. I thought we were the nation of repent and ask for forgiveness and move forward. The problem is the media fanfare around me continues to spiral.”

It’s not just the media that has been focusing on the multiple tall tales Santos has told. A group of House Democrats on Thursday put forth a measure to have him expelled over his deceitfulness. But that’s likely to go nowhere as Republicans now control the House and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., says he won’t interfere with the wishes of the Long Island voters of District 3 who elected him.



  1. Judge him on the action the democrats took on their own liars and frauds. Like aoc tax and election funding fraud. The machshayfa from the mid west married her brother to get him here lies about Jews not one was held accountable or Adam schiff that lied and lied about trump and concealed evidence

  2. “I remember landing under sniper fire. There was supposed to be some kind of a greeting ceremony at the airport, but instead we just ran with our heads down to get into the vehicles to get to our base,” she said.

    However, reporters and others accompanying Clinton recalled the landing at Tuzla as being routine. And on Monday night, after days of argument, CBS settled the matter, unearthing film confirming there had been no sniper fire.


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