Replacements For Aryeh Deri To Be Appointed In Health, Interior Ministries

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Following weeks during which the government had only interim Health and Interior Ministers, after Shas head MK Aryeh Deri was forced to resign due to a Supreme Court ruling, permanent ministers are to be appointed within the next few days, Arutz Sheva reports.

Interim ministers may only serve for three months according to Israeli law. On Wednesday, a special Knesset session will be held to approve the two new appointments. Deri will apparently have the final say on the identity of the two new ministers, and the most likely scenario is that Shas MK Moshe Arbel, who is deputy Health and Interior Minister, will be appointed a full minister for both portfolios.

{ Israel}


  1. Shouldn’t a Health Minister be somewhat knowledgeable in medicine and health technologies? Or is his job only to distribute money to doctors and enforce the death shots?


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