Report Claims Some Kosher Pizza Prices Decline Despite Higher Cheese Prices

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pizzaThe average price for a slice of kosher pizza hovered around an outrageous $3.00 last week, despite the rapidly rising cost of cheese, now estimated at $1.60 for non-kosher cheese and believed to be at least 25% higher for kosher cheese, according to a report by KosherToday.

In New York City, for example, the average price of a non-kosher slice was about $2.75. Sources say that the kosher pizza stores have faced some declining sales in recent months due to the economy. One Boro Park store lowered his cost for a pie to $14 from $19 a year earlier. Sources in the cheese market say that prices are up 37 percent compared with last year, when they averaged $1.17 a pound.

There are an estimated 300 kosher pizza stores throughout the US with some 150 in the New York area, according to one source.

{Lubicom Kosher/ Newscenter}


  1. Another issue with the kosher pizza is that on the frozen pies they use considerbly less cheese than the fresh pizza.

  2. #1. You get what you pay for. Paying 7.99-9.99 for a box is much cheaper that 14-19 a pie, hence there is less cheese.

  3. The price of Kosher pizza will always be higher because you need to incorporate a months worth of expenses into less sale days. The inability to sell product on Shabbos and yom tov autamatically raises overhead. The cost of the Cheese is rather negligible in the equation. Even being open Motzaey Shabbos does not help. you are dealing with a product that does not bring in a huge profit margin. Meaning, you have to sell a tremendous amount of pies in order to make up the difference. If you can’t, then the price of the slice must go up.

  4. Dare to move to Israel and you can eat a kosher lemehadrin pizza (a WHOLE pie) starting at 25 shekel (6.6 dollars). Uhh? What do you have to say?!


  5. I stoped buying pizza from shop, years ago. You have to be a total fool to spend $3.00 a slice when you have a mishpacha kn”h. I wait till Amnons/Mendelsons is on sale in Moshes/Glatt Mart for $6.99 a box & we stock up. They taste just fine even if there is less cheese. I’m not makpid on cholov yisroel so it does make things easier as far as milk, cottage cheese, yogurt, ice cream etc… Every other week, Waldbaums/Shoprite has a sale on these items. Sorry, I won’t be ripped off by a “Heimisha” cholov yirsroel company that keeps raising prices without EVER having a sale! I’m sick of all the excuses they keep giving for NEVER reducing prices. If they go out of business because consumers wake up & realize they are being taken advantage of, so be it! Too bad!

  6. #7 I don’t know which “Heimisha” cholov yisroel company you are refering to , however the price of the Heimisha cheese has gone done.

  7. We can not even afford to buy ready made frozen boxes. For years I have been making my own. Yeast is not so expensive, water is cheap (even though we pay water taxes/rates), flour is purchased when on sale. I even make my own tomato sauce, and use grated cholov yisrael cheese or buy a block and grate on my own and spices. You can add mushrooms or vegetables as you like. This way, it is healthier, and you know what is in the pizza. You can freeze until needed then reheat. Very economical and delicious!

  8. I agree with # 7. Getting pizza for kn’h 8 children plus, 2 pies are no where enough (Big boys…). It is ridiculous to buy for a lunch and spend at least $30!!! Just not worth it at all!!! Some of them go friday with friends and have the “Student Specials”, but to just order for a families lunch or supper, its a total rip off and not enough to satisfy anyones appetite!!! And now the prices are going up!!! Crazy!

  9. Yossi – I guess being a yorei shamayim is not easy. The fact that the two leading brands are owned by the same company and they charge a fortune doesn’t make it right to rely on questionable kulas and to advertise it no less. Spend less time on the internet and more time learning mussar you will come to the conclusion that capital comes from Ha-shem only.

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