Report: Netanyahu To Be Invited To White House Next Month

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Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu is set to receive an invitation to visit the White House sometime in September, subsequent to his involvement in the United Nations General Assembly session held in New York. Sources within the American government conveyed this information to Yediot Achronot.

Based on the disclosed details, it has been revealed that President Joe Biden will not arrange a meeting with Netanyahu on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. This strategic decision stems from a desire to avoid inadvertently downplaying the significance of their interaction, which might exacerbate the existing strains between the current administration and the Israeli government.

Consequently, it is anticipated that following his address at the General Assembly in New York, Netanyahu will be formally invited to partake in an official visit to Washington. This opportunity has been anticipated by Netanyahu ever since he was re-elected more than eight months ago.



  1. Biden and the DemocRATS are looking for the Jewish vote – that’s the ONLY reason Bibi was invited – ‘cuz this administration is NOT a friend of Israel

  2. These ridiculous formalities! Now the WH will deny that report because of the way it was worded! Are we allies? Are we friends? This is such ridiculous stupidity!

  3. Hopefully, the ‘big guy’ will pick an hour to meet when he is not drawing a sundowning of his tired sleepy moon.

    This is almost comforting but not really. Biden’s mega elite liberals will be glad to continue their streak to condemn Israel and place nukes in Irans hand.


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