Republicans Plan Last-Ditch Challenge During Electoral College Tally

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Several Trump allies, led by Rep. Mo Brooks (R-Ala.), plan on challenging the election results on Jan. 6, when Congress convenes to officially tally the votes from the Electoral College and certify Joe Biden as the president-elect.

Why it matters: Trump has refused to concede the election and has repeated false allegations of mass voter fraud while losing dozens of court cases. The challenges Brooks plans on bringing up in Congress are extremely unlikely to change the outcome, but they will be another high profile effort on the part of some Republicans to invalidate millions of votes to overturn the election.

What they’re saying: “We have a superior role under the Constitution than the Supreme Court does, than any federal court judge does, than any state court judge does,” Brooks told the New York Times. “What we say, goes. That’s the final verdict.”

How it works: Brooks told the Times he plans on challenging the electors in Arizona, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

  • In order for an objection to get a debate, he will need at least one senator to join him. It’s not clear so far that any senators will object.
  • If an objection is filed, each Chamber would have to debate for 2 hours. For electors to be tossed, the Democratic-controlled House and the Republican-controlled Senate would have to agree.
  • Several Senate Republicans, like Mitt Romney and Susan Collins, have said they will not vote to overturn the results of the election.

Read more at Axios.



  1. Quote: ” . . . . and has repeated false allegations of mass voter fraud . . . . ”


    There are countless witnesses who saw that deep in the early hours of the following morning AFTER the day of the election — WHICH PRESIDENT TRUMP HAD CLEARLY WON IN A MASSIVE LANDSLIDE — many, many tens of thousands upon tens of thousands of new, OBVIOUSLY FABRICATED ballots for Biden were brought into election counting centers and push the count up for Biden.

    There are countless witnesses who saw vote counters TARE UP & THROW AWAY numerous Trump ballots while counting & saving Biden ballots.

    The officials making the lawsuits have the transcripts of numerous computerized voting machines, which SWITCHED countless votes for President Trump to Biden. Brigades of the U.S. military have actually seized — in the foreign country of Germany — one of the key computer sources of these Cyber vote switches. Many of the other sources were in Iran and the hyper-evil-country of Communist China. Yes, there was heavy FOREIGN MANIPULATION of the election’s vote counting.

    • You may return to reality at any time. Biden won by seven million votes. Georgia did both a hand recount and a machine recount, directed by Trump supporters, and there were no discrepancies except for two Trump counties where Republican election officials forgot to upload some results.

      The late counted ballots had been mailed in. They would have been counted earlier except that Trump supporting Republicans refused to allow it. Trump ordered his supporters not to cast mail in ballots and like sheep they followed his orders, so of course the mail in ballots favored Biden. This was the case despite the fact that Trump sabotaged the US Postal Service so that they could not or would not deliver mail in ballots on time in Philadelphia, Detroit, and Atlanta and then sent his legal goons to court to prevent the late arriving ballots from being counted. But Biden won those states anyway; Americans were sick and tired of the childish moral degenerate.


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